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ISS 310 03 Film Season of the Navajo 2 10 2014 Why do the Navajo move from place to place during the seasons In the summer they move out of the canyon to plant their fields 3 homes move during different seasons to provide continuous grazing for their animals Easier time finding resources Families in phoenix to go to school What are the Navajo beliefs and religion in relation to the land Discuss the Kinaalda ceremony as part of this o Earth wind and fire have their own offerings Holy people sing the universe into being in the sweat house Ever part of the universe was organized and given life in the song Sweat house roll yourself in dry dirty to dry yourself up Wish song Earth wind and water sustain each other They also sustain all living creatures They can also kill life Corn pollen is used in ceremonies as a symbol of fertility Kinaalda puberty ceremony for daughter Last four days When a girl reaches womanhood the ceremony is done Educational experience as well as a blessing Through the ceremony the girl receives the blessings of kindness industry generosity so that she may walk in beauty and be blessed with healthy children Need to get as much corn as they can find for the ceremony Run every day to the east Grind corn into flour She will be the main one to the grinding On the third day there will be family coming in from different places Boiling water to prep flour for cake Kenaalda have to be watching the sun o Differences Navajo hunt a lot less depend more on corn Have fewer rituals In Male Female Roles Navajo far less sexual division of labor vs Cree In the Cree film men were primarily responsible for bringing home the bacon Is this the case for the Navajo How is it the same or different Men and women did different things in the Cree film Is this the case for the Navajo film What o o o o o o o o types of activities are going on o Women Weaving Sheering Dying wool o Men o o Corn ISS 310 03 Film Season of the Navajo 2 10 2014 Cooking making tortillas Prep the food maintain the household Heard the sheep gather and cut firewood help their elders Farming Tractor Sweat house o Grandma owns all the sheep passed down from her mother What is the importance of sheep and corn How are they cared for and used Sheep Wash the sheep by having them swim through a water canal slowly Symbol of the family wealth individually owned but cared for together Sheer the sheep then dye the wool into different colors Important symbol of their interdependence of the earth Since it only survives with their care and nourishes them in return Use a tractor to plow the fields they drop corn seeds two feet apart It s rough to plant corn hot outside Most important crop to the Navajos Make multiple breads from corn 80 questions T F multiple choice Not hard divided by sections lecture section movie section reading section

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