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Chapter 1 Communication a conscious or unconscious intentional or unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal and or non verbal messages that are sent received and comprehended Can be Accidental having no intent Expressive resulting for the emotional state of a person Rhetorical resulting from specific goals of the communicator Intrapersonal communicating with yourself Includes thought process personal decision making listening and determining self concept Interpersonal communication that takes place between two or more persons who establish a communicative relationship Include face to face mediated conversations interviews and small group discussions Public characterized by a speaker sending a message to an audience Can be direct such as a face to face message or indirect such as a messaged relayed over radio TV Mass transmitting a message to large populations radio TV internet Communication is Dynamic constantly in a state of a change Interactive cycle of action and reaction Continuous never stops Irreversible can not be undone Contextual adapt to setting Components of Communication Source Sender Encoder originator of message Receiver Decoder recipient of message Message communication Noise potential for communication disrupt Frame of Reference perceptual screen Feedback response to a message Semantic slang Syntactical changing tenses Environmental background noise Physiological impairment blind Organizational random order in story Cultural two different religions interact Psychological stress Channel means by which message is expressed Sight and sound Electronic Print Touch Context Where communication is taking place Communication Models Linear one way communication Sender sends a message to receiver receiver gets and understands the message Interactional two way communication Sender sends message to receiver receiver gets and understands the message and then he she sends feedback to sender Sender gets feedback and sends new message based on that feedback Transactional multidirectional communication Sender and receiver are simultaneously processing messages verbal is sent at same time a non verbal is received Communication Process 1 Encode take ideas and put them into message form 2 Send ideas through Primary Signal System the five sense 3 Decode someone receives and translates message The Context where communication is taking place and general attitude of those assembled Pluralism individuals are encouraged to maintain their individual identities and still be part of the larger group Ethnocentrism we consider the views and standards of our in group to be much more important than any out group s Cultural Relativism worldwide standpoint that no culture as such is superior to any other one and that any culture deserves to be described understood and judged on its own premises Chapter 4 Listening Process 1 Reception receiving message through auditory and visual channels 2 Attention focus on specific stimuli selected from all stimuli received at any given moment 3 Perception a screening process in which a perceptual filter strains stimuli to organize and interpret it the message 4 Assignment of meaning put stimulus in predetermined categories developed for interpreting the message received Create schema 5 Response feedback to speaker Intellectual and or emotional reaction to message Discriminative Listening attempt at distinguishing auditory and visual stimuli Comprehension Listening objective is to listen and retain information Therapeutic Listening requires a listener to learn when to ask questions when to stimulate further discussion and when to give advice Critical Listening centers on listener evaluating the message that has been received Assess the argument and appeals in a message and then decides whether to accept or reject them Appreciative Listening takes place when a person engages in enjoyment of or sensory stimulation to a message such as listening to humorous speakers comedians or music videos Listening Apprehension the fear of misinterpreting inadequately processing and or not being able to adjust physiologically to messages sent by others Chapter 6 Self disclosure intentionally letting the other person know who you are by communicating self revealing information Self fulfilled person person who confidently chooses what to reveal and to whom Expert power capacity to influence another person because of the knowledge and skills you are presumed to have Referent power based on personal loyalty friendship and affection Reward power requires that you be perceived as the best or only source of desired rewards Coercive power based on possible negative outcomes that are used as weapons Legitimate power person holds high position in relationship Knapp s Relationship Escalation Model a communication based explanation of how relationships develop and continue Initiation stage first time you met someone Experimenting stage determines whether there is an interest in furthering the relationship Ask lots of Qs and get to know each other Intensifying stage relationship becomes less formal self disclosure becomes more common and awareness of each others values develop Integrating stage develop a shared relational title identity Bonding stage a formal sometimes legal announcement of the relationship Social Exchange Theory reward must be greater than or equal to cost for a happy relationship Relational Conflict Stages Tension develops False ignoring Resentment Unforgiveness Knapp s Relationship Termination Model Differencing stage highlighted by one or both of the partners being aware that he or she needs to assert independence Circumscribing stage illustrated by the diminish of volume and quality of the intercouple communication Stagnation stage individuals may start to avoid discussing the relationship Avoiding stage noted by partners physically separating Terminating stage Chapter 7 Causes of Conflict Persuasion Allocation of resources Decisions to be made Behaviors that are considered inappropriate Conflict Styles Avoidance Don t confront conflict or express thoughts feelings about it Accommodation put needs of others in front of owns Smoothing Over present image that everything is ok over everything else Compromise satisfy needs of both people Competition get person to comply to you or do something person may not want you to do Integration win win Chapter 8 Interview Agenda procedures Body asking question Types of Questions Opening used to make the

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