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Nonrenewable Mineral Resources Mineral naturally occurring inorganic substance in the earth s crust Solutions to mineral problem extract from ocean improve mining technology encourage lower per capita resource use reuse minerals Environmental Impact of Mineral Extraction Fracking http www youtube com watch v VY34PQUiwOQ https www youtube com watch v 3GPWZfNHeNM Lubricates fault lines causing earthquakes Wood Water Coal Natural Gas Petroleum Nuclear Power Hydro Energy geothermal other Options Conservation People naturally conserve when price rises Nuclear Energy Fission splitting uranium atoms Accidents TMI 1979 Chernobyl 1986 Storage of spent fuel is a problem Yucca Mountain in US Fusion combining smaller atoms to release energy like the sun does not release radioactive waste Not yet commercially viable Geothermal power uses underground hot springs for heating water to generate electricity sustainable New Zealand gets 10 from it Iceland has large Use cave air to heat and cool your house Hydropower Energy from rivers Environmental and social concerns limit further exploration in developed countries Solar Energy Inexhaustible small scale Passive solar energy trapped not generated Wind Power Biomass Most US wind farms are in Cali but more coming Wood organic wastes Can be produced renewably Environmental Degradation Pollution Discharge of waste gases and chemicals into air land and water May be hazardous to plants animals humans Degrades the environment Air Pollution Thermal Inversions trap pollution create smog Naturally cold air sinks and warm air rises but when it s in a basin it s reversed Warm air moves in over cold air and creates layer that doesn t allow for earth to warm all pollution is trapped at certain elevation Acid precipitation is North America and Eastern Europe Sustainability Development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Current economic outlooks treat the earth as if it were a business in liquidation

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TAMU GEOG 304 - Nonrenewable Mineral Resources

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