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Chapter 2 cont d Colonialism Capitalism on a World Scale Used all the market but to expand we need to find more goods find bigger better Colonizers in the core technological advantage go to Africa and slice it up like more exotic things to trade pie British spread the most Berlin Conference 1884 Risk game divided Africa among European colonizers Britain France Netherlands German Portuguese Belgium Divvied up Africa with no regard to tribal boundaries British would colonize a region then put the minority population in charge because it was easier to control eventually as they decolonized and left the majority started genocides to fight for power 20 million africans enslaved Effects of Colonialism Annihilation of indigenous peoples Restructuring over primary economic sector agriculture extraction of resources Polarized geographies port cities became dominant transport networks met needs of colonizers not indigenous peoples Transplantation of nation state Created states with no respect for indigenous cultures Cultural westernization Catholicism technology etc Why is all of this important Historical context It hasn t always existed doesn t exist everywhere Workers were seen as commodity Provide overview of characteristics of capitalist economies Importance of the IR and its impact Relations between colonialists and colonized empowered others exploited the rest spread capitalism Chapter 3 Population Growth Migration Terms push pull factors Crude Birth Rate number of births divided by population Crude Death Rate number of deaths divided by population Rate of Natural Increase RNI annual growth rate for a country or region as a percentage increase births deaths Total Fertility Rate TFR average number of children born by a statistically average woman 2 1 stabilization Life expectancy Average length of life Demographic Transition Model Based on Industrialization Four Stages Stage 1 Primitive Stability very high birth rate but also very high death rate most likely involved in subsistence agriculture only make enough food for your family to subside on having kids because they re going to work on the farm death rate is high and life expectancy is low ex North Korea Stage 2 Early Industrial people are moving to cities health gets better but birth rate stays high because of cultural reasons people have been having lots of kids for generations population shoots up Stage 3 Late Industrialization more jobs and education are available women are empowered and educated you have an opportunity cost to have a child birth rates decline Stage 4 Post Industrialization population stabilizes Ex Germany Population Pyramid Wide base skinny top still high rates Square rates are level Skinnier on bottom Nigeria Most of population is under 15 years old death rates are Stage 2 or 3 death rates have declined but we still have huge birth United States Stage 4 starting to decline birth rates and death Germany people aren t having as many kids people have to pay into Social Security incentivize birth rates Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus Most famous demographer that has ever existed 1798 wrote Essay on Principle of Population Growth Pessimistic Prediction people growing exponentially move into the cities agriculture will not grow as quickly as population Positive checks people could change or Negative checks nature would bring death disease famine and war As population grew innovation was driven to produce more food to meet the needs of population Neo Malthusians Club of Rome 1960s acknowledged that Malthus was wrong but only because he used too short of a time span and that it will play out in a couple of centuries The Limits of Growth realized that to be able to drive this mechanized production we have to use fossil fuels and we will use it all up and then we will face crisis promoted family planning As resources become scarce and expensive oftentimes more resources are found ex fracking for the first time ever we are exporting more oil than we consume Large families are still valuable in agriculturally based LDCs

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TAMU GEOG 304 - Chapter 2

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