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BIOSC 0160 CRN 12336 BLUE Foundations of Biology I Foundations of Biology I Fall Term 2010 Dr Laurel Roberts 2nd EXAMINATION Before filling in your name and PeopleSoft ID please check that the color of your scantron sheet matches the color of your test In column J of the scantron sheet blacken the circle corresponding to the color of your exam white A blue B pink C yellow D Proceed with the exam choosing the best answer for each of the following questions and blackening the proper circle on the answer sheet with a Number 2 pencil Read each question carefully before marking the best answer on your scantron sheet Work thoughtfully Make educated guesses if necessary Even wild guessing throughout should net you 20 of the total points on the average PLACE THE ANSWER SHEET IN ITS OWN COLOR PILE when you are done 1 In addition to motor and sensory neurons the nerve tissue contains a contractile cells b electrical wires c glue cells d insulator cells X e neuroglia cells 2 Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding C4 and CAM photosnythesis d Both systems feed carbon dioxide into the Calvin Cycle which then proceeds as in C3 plants e Both processes occur in plants that have evolved in hot arid environments where photorespiration is more likely to occur a b C4 photosynthesis structurally separates carbon fixation and the Calvin cycle while CAM photosynthesis temporally separates carbon fixation and the Calvin cycle C4 photosynthesis generates a 4 Carbon product and provides C02 to the Calvin cycle while CAM plants open their stomata at night in order to fix CO2 for the following day C4 photosynthesis uses compounds like PEP and PEP Carboxylase to fix carbon dioxide while CAM photosynthesis relies on RuBP and rubisco just as in C3 photosynthesis X c 3 In green plants the primary function of the Calvin cycle is to a b use ATP to release carbon dioxide use NADPH to release carbon dioxide c split water and release oxygen d transport RuBP out of the chloroplast X e make simple sugars such as G3P from carbon dioxide 4 The addition of the competitive inhibitor mevinolin slows the reaction HMG CoA mevalonate which is catalyzed by the enzyme HMG CoA reductase The effects of mevinolin would be overcome and the rate of the reaction increased by a adding more mevalonate d adding a prosthetic group X b adding more HMG CoA e lowering the rate constant of the reaction c lowering the temperature of the reaction BLUE Page 2 5 One function of the ground tissue in a plant is X a photosynthesis b to protect the plant c to anchor the plant d water conduction e conduction of sugars 6 The sizes and shapes of chromosomes can be observed most easily in a cell that is in a prophase X b metaphase c anaphase d telophase e cytokinesis 7 Pyruvate dehydrogenase is an enzyme that converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA A genetic mutation in this enzyme causes a condition known as Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Disease typified by general weakness and acidosis among other problems Why does this disease cause acidosis X d The inability to form acetyl CoA forces the body to rely on glycolysis primarily for energy leading to acidosis e The inability to form acetyl CoA causes protons to leak out of the mitochondria leading to acidosis a b c The inability to form acetyl CoA forces the body to rely on amino acids for energy leading to acidosis The inability to form acetyl CoA forces the body to produce too much CO2 leading to acidosis The inability to form acetyl CoA forces the body to rely on fermentation primarily for energy leading to acidosis X a The G2 nucleus has double the amount of DNA as the G1 nucleus b c DNA synthesis occurs only in the G1 phase Inactive cells are arrested only in the G2 phase 8 How does a nucleus in G2 differ from a nucleus in G1 d During G2 the cell prepares for S phase e All of the above 9 A single glucose molecule can drive the Krebs cycle a one turn X b two turns c three turns X a NADPH b H20 c ATP d four turns e six turns d O2 e CO2 10 What is the final electron acceptor in non cyclic photosynthesis 11 Which of the following statements accurately reflects what happens to a glucose molecule during the initial five phases of glycolysis Page 3 BLUE d e Glucose a six carbon sugar enters the cell by G protein mediation and is primed and converted into glucose three phosphate which requires two ATP molecules The remaining four steps involve splitting the six carbon molecule into two three carbon molecules Glucose a six carbon sugar enters the cell by G protein mediation and is primed and converted into glucose three phosphate which requires two ATP molecules The remaining four steps involve splitting the six carbon molecule into 6 carbon dioxide molecules Glucose a six carbon sugar enters the cell by passive transport and is primed and converted into glucose three phosphate which requires two ATP molecules The remaining four steps involve splitting the six carbon molecule into two three carbon molecules Glucose a six carbon sugar enters the cell by active transport and is primed and converted into glucose three phosphate which requires two ATP molecules The remaining four steps involve splitting the six carbon molecule into two three carbon molecules X a b c Glucose a six carbon sugar enters the cell by simple diffusion and is primed and converted into glucose three phosphate which requires two ATP molecules The remaining four steps involve splitting the six carbon molecule into two three carbon molecules 12 Which of the following is not one of the principal kinds of tissues in vertebrates a connective b epithelial c cartilage X d muscle e nerve 13 X a Paired chromatids separate and move to opposite poles because sister chromatids attach to microtubules in opposite halves of the spindle d polar microtubules push the chromatids to the poles e centromeres separate b c separase hydrolyzes cohesion allowing chromatid separation tubulin fibers move the chromatids away from the equatorial plate 14 Cacti are plants with stems modified for water storage Which type of tissue is well developed in cacti for this function a Cork b Xylem c Phloem X d Parenchyma e Epidermis BLUE Page 4 15 By weight training skeletal muscles grow in size Cells do not increase in number because they do not divide but increase in size by a process called X a hypertrophy b tetanus c oxygen debt 16 Bone cells are called a dendrites b erythrocytes c chondrocytes d summation e isometry X d osteocytes e fibroblasts 17 What are the

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