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Theatre Questions 1 Shakesphere never based his plays on other stories FALSE 2 Naturalism is often called a slice of theatre TRUE In elizibeithan England both prostitution and theatre thrived in the suburbs TRUE 3 4 in restoration comedy doors were built wider to accomidate 5 Melodrama is still seen in such films like star wars LARGE COSTUMES 6 Morality plays did not have anything to do with god of the bible 7 a proscenium stage has audience members surrounding it on three sides 8 Farce is an example of Noh Theatre TRUE FALSE False FALSE 9 According to Dr Doan the romans borrowed most of their theatrical forms from the greeks TRUE 10 Which of the following taboo subjects are NOT tackled in realism PANTOMIME 11 this genre was performed by troupes of touring families COMMEDIA DELL ARTE 12 some might argue that the occurs when Macbeth kills Duncan the king INCITING INCIDENT 13 Wealthy women often donated clothing to be used as costumes by the boy actors of the elizibethian theatre TRUE 14 Anfisa is one the the three sisters FALSE 15 according to dr Doan which type of space is the most often used theatrical space today BLACK BOX 16 is the city the 3 sisters wish to live MOSCOW 17 An ex of is when Macbeth is alone on stage and speaks his inner thoughts aloud SOLILOQUY 18 this genre of theatre used music to tell you how to feel Melodrama 19 Designers tend to ignore what the writer included in the text when creating a design concept FALSE 20 Pageant Plays traveled around on what WAGONS 21 Naturalism was a style of theatre in response to the artificiality of MELODRAMA 22 The 3 sisters vowing to continue living on at the last moments of the play can be considered the of the 3 sisters RESOLUTION 23 this device is essential to the commedia dell arte MASKS 24 in their design presentation Andrew and Brie used a time lapsed video of a rehearsal process to demonstrate their ideas FALSE 25 in commedia dell arte the young lovers are called INNAMORATI 26 the person who is the head of the technical areas is called TECHNICAL DIRECTOR 27 the scene from the Crucible performed by Tyler and Bridget we were able to see vestiges of Romanticism TRUE 28 Claudio and Hero are the young lovers in much ado about nothing TRUE 29 This is the name of the comic bit that an actor in Commedia Dell Arte would use throughout each performance LAZZI 30 While the play is called the 3 sisters there are actually 4 sisters in the Prozoroff family FALSE 31 Jerzy Growtowski revolutionized directing by eliminating the Star System FALSE 32 theatre only occurs with the presence of these four elements Actor Scenery Space Story FALSE 33 lee Strasberg is one of the creators of the acting technique known as the Method TRUE 34 Masks were never a part of Greek Tragedy FALSE 35 Which event does not occur in Macbeth 36 Lighting designers base all their work solely on costume and set sketches LADY MACBETH IS KILLED BY REBEL FORCES 37 Shakespeares plays were not episodic in nature 38 Bennedict and Beatrice are 2 characters in Macbeth FALSE FALSE FALSE 39 Henrik ibsen is the father of modern drama TRUE 40 the American master of realism focused on the American south and wrote such plays as a streetcar named desire and cat on a hot tin roof TENNESSEE WILLIAMS 41 Ambient sound is background sounds that can nun continuously throughout a scene 42 shakespeares has 4 genres of plays comedies romances tragedies and TRUE HISTORIES 43 The three sisters takes place entirely behind 44 Macbeth starts with a conversation b w which characters THE 4TH WALL THE 3 WITCHES 45 the Drunkard is an example od a Melodrama 46 in much ado about nothing dogberry and verges represented a parody of the law 47 a stage manager takes over the show from the director once the show has opened TRUE 48 an example of is when characters in much ado about nothing turned to us expressed their thoughts and then returned to talking to the people onstage TRUE TRUE ASIDE 49 The 3 sisters takes place AT THE TURN OF THE 20TH CENTURY 50 Todays regional theatres are typically run by ARTISTIC AND MANAGING DIRECTORS 51 According to Dr Doan the scene we watched from the Crucible helped to set the stage for symbolism 52 in the much ado scene Allison and carter performed in class what does carters character agree to do 53 in their design presentation to class designers Brie and Andrew stressed that the design process is not a collaborative process but an individual process KILL CLAUDIO TRUE FALSE 54 in ancient Greece theatre and religious ceremonies were never linked together FALSE 1 SHE HAS BROKEN THE LAW 2 SHE IS 55 in scene 4 of A Stones Throw from the Antigone project Antigone is telling ismene that GOING TO DIE 3 SHE IS PREGNANT 56 In Red Again in the Antigone project Antigone likes when Harold touches what HER FACE 57 according to David Henry Hwangs email response he believes progress has been made since he wrote the play in the late 1980s but that the west continues to perceive Asia as feminine in relation to western masculinity TRUE 58 in dr doans notes describing the role of imagination in theatre who stated that imagination is the beginning of creation 59 this acting teacher felt that the actors key into a scene was extensive research into the world of the play GEORGE BERNARD SHAW STELLA ADLER 60 in m butterfly renee jokes struts demands pleads seduces and indulges in selective memories which is a partial list of his Tactics 61 the author uses an agit prop pantomime as the communist party trial of Song TRUE 62 What music plays during Gallimards suicide MADAME BUTTERFLY LOVE DUET 63 what element of a play is subjective A CHARACTERS MOTIVE TONE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE 64 in the beginning of master Harold and the boys sam and willie are practicing BALLROOM DANCING 65 in Hang Ten in the Antigone project eho proposes marriage to Antigone A SURFER 66 what convention of greek tragedy was incorrect in the traditional presentation of the scene from medea 67 the foil of the protagonist is usually the A WOMEN PLAYING A WOMEN ON STAGE 68 According to dr doan the dues ex machine is a greek convention that means ANTAGONIST MACHINE OF THE GODS 69 according to Aristotle each story must have all of these elements except 70 Sophocles is our master of old comedy 71 Lee Strasberg stella adler and Stanford meisner were all ACTING TEACHERS 72 According to this author of the poetics thespis was the first greek performer to change a dithyramb into drama ARISTOTLE 73 exposition is an element of dramatic

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