LER 100 Study Guide Test 3 UNIT 1 Unions Employers Collective Bargaining Process Majority of places in U S don t have union 11 12 of workforce does nationally Conflict in the Labor Market Employees Employers o Want to sell their labor for as much as possible o Want to buy labor for as little as possible Ways An Employee Can Influence What Employer Pays Find a better offer Exit Try to change the situation o Individually o Collectively voice Union Exercise in collective voice Employment Relations System System by which employees employers interact at the workplace to establish terms conditions of employment Players o Employers o Labor Employees Unions o Government Umpire History of Employee Employer Relations Cycles Themes Patterns Factors Influencing Employee Employer Relations The state of the economy o Determines who will have upper hand o War s good for economy People go to work The attitude of the government o Determines who will have upper hand If both factors go against you you will lose Late in 1700 s Commerce Evolves Self employed craftsman to merchant master worked for self to having boss employees The first union in U S formed 1794 Philadelphia Cordwainers shoemakers 1798 Philadelphia Cordwainers wanted more First Strike In America Cordwainer Doctrine Conspiracy Doctrine 1806 Could be punished for being on strike Commonwealth vs Hunt 1842 Depends on certain circumstances if strike illegal or not Beginning of unions Industrial Revolution Improved transportation Change Technology Immigration Factories First National Unions 1860s National Labor Union The Holy Noble order of the Knights of Labor leader of union from Scranton PA o Said all workers had common interests regardless of skill or job Establishment of cooperative institutions so favored o Goal organization cooperation education o Favored 8 hour work day health safety conditions prohibit child labor government ownership of railroads telegraphs telephones The Molly Maguires 1870 19 hanged in Pottsville Mauch Chunk 1877 1879 Importance Crushed miners union for years emphasized growing strength of business government business conspiracy When economy increases unions make progress American Federation of Labor AFL 1886 Not a union but federation of unions Spoke for all skilled craftworkers in country Samuel Gompers AFL President The New Deal 1932 The Great Depression National Labor Relations Act Wagner Act 1935 December 1929 o Employees shall have right to organize a union bargain collectively and engage in concerted activities Section 7 Congress of Industrial Organizations C I O is born 1937 o Organize workers in mass production industries auto steel rubber electrical appliances Union Membership 1940 10 000 000 total o AFL 4 200 000 CIO 3 800 000 AFL CIO merger February 1955 Union density hits peak in 1960 s High point from 1930 1960 1960 s Rise of public sector unionism Federal o 1962 JFK issues executive order 10988 o All federal employees have right to join unions o Given right bargain collectively over some issues o Couldn t bargain over wages and benefits States o Given rights to join unions bargain state by state law o Can t threaten to strike but step in right direction o Wisconsin Minnesota Massachusetts o 1968 Pennsylvania Right to organize bargain and strike Excludes some employees police firefighters prison guards Public Sector Unions 1956 1994 Grew from 100 000 to 4 5 million 38 states give public employees the right to organize some bargaining rights Only 13 of the states give some right to strike Deindustrialization 1980s Sectors in decline o Manufacturing Primary metals steel aluminum copper Mining Sectors on the rise o Service Health Care High Technology UNIT 2 Employment Relations System Players Unions Purpose Unions Employers Government referee median umpire o Represent the interest of their members o Goal is to improve members lives o Serve as a check balance on the power of employers Without unions employers have full power Means o Collective bargaining o Political legislative action Total union membership 2012 o 11 3 of the workforce Union Membership by Gender Female 11 2 Male 12 4 Union Members by Industry 20 or more of workforce have unions o Government employees including postal Telecommunications Utilities Transportation Police Firefighters 5 or less of workforce o Retail agriculture financial services food service Union Members by State 20 or more of workforce 6 or less of workforce 1 New York 24 1 2 Alaska 3 Hawaii 4 Washington 5 Michigan 46 Louisiana 47 Arkansas 48 Georgia 49 South Carolina 50 North Carolina 2 9 large agriculture culture conservative don t believe in unions Labor Movements Top Five 5 United Food Commercial Workers grocery stores 4 Teamsters I B T General union of all kinds of workers 3 State County Municipal Workers work for states counties bureaus 2 Service Employees Custodians janitors nursing homes 1 National Education Association Teachers union 3 million members Union Finances Unions are funded by membership dues UNIT 3 Management Structure CEO Sales Finance Production Marketing Human Resources Why Management Opposes Unions 1 Decreases management control 2 Increases management costs 3 Views union as outsider 4 Views union as troublemaker o Union makes you have to negotiate moves made 5 Sees union undermining employee loyalty 6 Conflict with union values o Unions believe in seniority rewards for many years of service Range of Union Management Relationships Personnel Employment Relations Conflict Ex Walmart Armed Truce Ex NHL Accommodation Ex Ford GM Cooperation Ex Southwest Power Bargaining Accepts having union makes best of ex Bay Arena Transit Rapid Employment Relations Process 3 Steps 1 Organization of a union No The End Yes 2 Collective Bargaining No Strike Strike Settlement Then do over again to re negotiate o Public Employees government Supervisors advocates for business o Agricultural Workers o Anyone employed by parents Anyone covered by Railway Labor Act Railroad airline employees Domestic Employees 3 Contract Administration Grievance Procedure Legal Framework National Labor Relations Act NLRA 1935 Excludes several workers from coverage Manufacturing employees not excluded by NLRA Section 7 most important Section 7 Rights Gives workers right to organize bargain strike National Labor Relations Board Section 8 see handout o Employer Unfair Labor Practices 8a Violations by employers 8b Violations by unions UNIT 4 1 The Organizing Process NLRA Section 9 how to
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