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Hellenistic Society 336 100 BC Hellenistic blend of Greek and Eastern culture Polis to monarchy 404 200 BC o Sparta wanted power over all Greeks o 371 BC Thebes army Polis defeated Sparta Phillip II of Macedonia Greece o 359 336 BC o Conqueror turned against Persian Empire o Killed by assassin o Won control over N Aegean o 338 BC defeated Theban Athenian army conquering Greece o Macedonian kingdom o Liberation of Ionians from Persia died 336 BC Alexander The Great o Won battles vs Persians took Egypt 356 323 BC o Building of new city Alexandria o Proclaimed Pharaoh of Egypt o Took Persepolis burned buildings of Xerxes o Sought to take over the East then Indian o Died in Babylon 323 BC from battle wounds Empire o Changed the face of politics conquered Persian Empire created own empire Civil war lasting 43 years broken empire o Ptolemy seized Egypt pharaoh o Antigonus control of Macedonia o Seleucus took over Alexander s position empire of W Asia India Stasis o Ruler cults linking king s authority with Gods Society o Spread of Hellenism 250 new cities under Alexander Theatres temples libraries Economic center marketplace for trade manufacturing Greek common spoken language of Mediterranean Koine greek dialect spoken language of royal court bureaucracy army Characteristic of nobility status Did not spread far beyond the cities Extensive colonization o Eastern Seleucid Kingdom Greek leaders defeated Seleucids Established kingdoms of Parthia Bactria Afghanistan Turkmenistan Bactria outpost of Hellenism o Han dynasty of China Mauryan Empire of Indian o City of Ay Khanoum on Oxus River cultures met o Temples public squares Established Indo Greek states that mix cultures Some Greeks rulers converted to Buddhism Ptolemaic kings established largest library of ancient world City of Alexandria Hebrew Bible translated to Greek Agriculture Trade grew significantly eastward o Roman benefit o Merchants sent goods mostly by water Religion Caravans Arrived at Egypt Palestine Phoenicia Syria To Greece Italy Spain o Coining of money o Luxuries Gold silver precious stones Silk road of Asia o Slave labor except under Ptolemies manual labor o Piracy Temples devoted to Olympian Gods Mystery relgions quest for eternal life devotees linked to deities Practical philosophies religion Tyche fate chance doom Egyptian cult of Isis o Goddess of marriage conception o Promised to save any mortal that came to her o Gave gift of civilization law literature o Spread throughout Romans Greeks Philosophy o Epicureanism sought serenity in tumultuous world Epicurus 340 270 BC principle good of life is pleasures Politics poison o Stoicism living virtuous lives Zeno 335 262 BC named after building in which he taught Most popular Hellenistic philosophy Nature source of happiness natural law Brotherhood of man Science medicine Aristarchus of Samos 310 230 BC Aristotle s schools o Heliocentric theory Earth planets revolve around sun Rediscovered by Copernicus Euclid mathematician of Alexandria Archimedes 287 212 BC o Artillery for military o Inventor of the pulley o Science of hydrostatics o Made for efficient warfare Herophilus discovered nervous system Classical serenity symmetrical Hellenistic emotional unsymmetrical Art

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KSU HIST 11050 - Hellenistic Society

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