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9 26 The Evolution of Athens Archaic Period o Turmoil o Aristocrats seize holdings of smaller landowners o 621 BC Draco Published law code Draconian Harsh but belonged to all citizens Didn t change aristocratic ways o Family sold as slaves or exiled o Solon Rallied against injustices poetry Gained trust 594 BC nobles elected him archon chief magistrate of the polis Freed all enslaved people recalled exiles cancelled all debts Allowed commoners into aristocratic assembly vote in elections o Democracy All full citizens play role in government Prestigious board of 10 archons School of Hellas Hybris Boule council of 500 members Eccelsia assembly of all citizens had final vote Women slaves noncitizens didn t have say Classical period 500 338 BC o Highest peak in politics thought art o Violent conflicts 499 404 BC Defense against Persian Empire Peloponesian War Battle of Marathon Greek runner assassinated carrying good news Massive invasion of Greece by Persia Occupied Athens for a month Persia defeated in battle of Salamis Delian League naval alliance to liberate Ionia 480 BC Athenian Empire Conquered peoples cities by force Pericles leader Imperialism alarmed Sparta their allies Peloponnesian War 431 404 BC launched fatal attack on Sicily Attica lost o stasis o o Athens vs Sparta the allies o 404 BC Athens surrendered to Sparta o Herodotus o Thucydides 460 399 BC Athenian general in Peloponnesian War Banished for defeat Traveled Greece gathering historical info Herodotus Human greed power causes war o Athenian arts Pericles made Athens a showplace Acropolis Erected temples statues elaborate carvings Crowned by Parthenon Drama playwrights o Aeschylus 525 456 BC first dramatist to explore conflicts Individual individual vs society good vs evil o Sophocles 496 406 BC personal political divine Oedipus the King o Euripides 480 406 BC personal conflict within Polis All concentrated on tragedies o Daily life Few possessions simple houses Mediterranean diet barley wheat fish grapes figs Specialization craftsmen potters bronze smith tanner Paid slavery usually non greeks Women rarely had notable roles noncitizens o Legal prostitution Hetaerae o Supported of open sexuality o Sappho female poet derived lesbian from Lesbos o Children Ares Apollo Athena Hercules Perseus o Religion Polytheists Gods on Mount Olympus Zeus king married to Hera Each Polis had own minor deities Individual family worships No bible Pan Hellenic festivals at Olympia Olympic games Philosophy Myths epics Pre Socrates rational thought o Natural law intellectual revolution o Earth made of fire air water earth Democritus 460 BC atomic theory of particles Hippocrates 470 400 BC father of Western Medicine o Illness was caused by physical ailments not supernatural Sophists group of 5th century thinkers o Questioned o General topics to details o Questioned rather than lectured Socrates dialogue o Criticized the Athenian democracy executed in 399 BC Plato 427 347 BC student of Socrates o Wrote dialogues of Socrates o Founded the Academy of Philosophy o Cave allegory o Utopian republic o Theory of two worlds Impermanent senses eternal forms Artistotle 384 322 BC student of Plato o Observation of world natural phenomena logical reasoning Metaphysics physics math biology Ethics politics economy Artistry poetry painting o Earth center of universe o His works second to the Bible Spartan Empire Post 404BC o Oligarchy

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KSU HIST 11050 - The Evolution of Athens

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