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In your own words what is stop and frisk How does stop and frisk apply to search seizure and arrests within the criminal justice system Is there a better solution to the way in which stop and frisk measures are conducted Explain The stop and frisk is something that bothers me I understand it but I do feel that it is dangerously close to impeding on our rights given to us under our Constitution The stop and frisk technique consists of a police officer who witnesses someone they perceive as a suspicious individual and detains that person to pat them down The pat down will consist of running their hands over the suspect s garments lightly to be able to determine if this person is carrying a concealed weapon My problem with this is that how does a police officer determine if a person is acting suspicious I am not saying that police officers are incapable of making this decision but the fact that it is a judgment call opens the door for questions as to justifiable legitimate reasons as to why a person could be frisked Second in order to search a person s home or property legally law enforcement needs to have a search warrant You can t be searched based on suspicion Why is your body different from your home Third in the country that we live in today not much of this even matters anymore We allow our airports to put their hands inside our clothing before entering an airplane When you fly you are an immediate suspect You purchase your ticket you give them money for a service to be provided and not only are you searched but you are unlawfully searched for no reason Is there a better method for these to be done The best method is to not have them A police officer has no right to search you unless you have done something wrong As far as an airport goes they have no right to search you the way they do period Stop and frisk is known as a procedure that police uses on a suspicious individual The word stop involves only a temporary interference with a person s liberty and frisk is generally limited to a patting down of the outer clothing If the officer feels what seems to be a weapon the officer may then reach inside the person s clothing If no weapon is felt the search may not intrude further than the outer clothing Stop and frisk apply to search seizure and arrests within the criminal justice system When the officer stops the person and checks for anything incriminating they are searching and can eventually arrests the person Of course there are laws in which the criminal justice system uses to do everything legally There is a better solution to the way in which stop and frisk measures are conducted When an individual is checked the officer has to be very careful and make sure to follow rules when searching This can lead for evidence to be hidden where it can t be found I think that when the person is stopped there is not enough time to conduct a search to find something in some cases The person should be taken in if they are suspicious and checked a

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UOPX CJA 364 - Assignment

Course: Cja 364-
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