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Explain in your own words what is privacy In your opinion what distinctions can be made about privacy and privacy laws that should be upheld by the criminal justice system Should we improve the expectation of privacy If so how Explain In my own words privacy is the right to our own personal property and space Privacy is that sense of ownership that we occupy whether it be personal space or property Privacy is ours and it belongs to the owner and because it is private it gives us the right for it to be off limits to any person that we choose to not be welcome and all if we choose The distinctions that should be made about privacy and privacy laws that should be upheld in the criminal justice system is that in public we are not in a private setting What we have in our pockets or on our person is our own private property because we own our selves but our actions are not private and therefore should not be upheld under privacy laws Actions in public are not private In our homes that is our property and should be protected under privacy laws When we are in our home we should be protected under all privacy laws unless a warrant for a search has been granted Should we improve the expectation of privacy I wouldn t think so I think we should merely uphold the rules for privacy that were set in our Bill of Rights Our rights to privacy have already been proven instead of trying to improve we should uphold Privacy is the ability to be undisturbed or observed by others such as isolation Privacy might also be something one would like to keep concealed such as secret or important documents Privacy laws help to regulate the information regarding an individual Only limited information is allowed to be known about the individual unless the individual is willing to share more information about them In my opinion the distinctions that can be made about privacy and privacy laws that should be upheld by the criminal justice system are unreasonable infringement of one s home or personal belongings Senate Research Center 2001 A warrant should be obtained at all times unless officers feel there is imminent danger in order to search through an individual s personal belongings In my opinion there is not much privacy anymore A person can look up just about anything on another person on the internet Information about how much a home is worth a person s income and how they are related to can all be found I do see this as harmful especially with identity theft on the rise We should change the expectancy of privacy When a suspect is arrested they are fingerprinted and often their DNA is taken This does invade a person s privacy however it is needed to identify the suspect and help solve crime Our personal information should be kept from the public unless otherwise specified A Handbook on Privacy Federal and State Legislation 2001 March In Senate Research Center Retrieved August 10 2011 from http www senate state tx us src pdf PRIVACYPART1 pdf

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UOPX CJA 364 - Privacy

Course: Cja 364-
Pages: 1
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