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Those who champion the appointment or election of racial minorities to the bench argue that African American and Hispanic judges might make a difference Explain why Minority judges are thought to be more sympathetic to defendent s who are minorities and could help the defendent s more than simply sentencing these individuals Some defendent s could benefit more from certain programs that are available to offenders such as drug rehabilitation programs that some feel are underutilized for minority drug offenders This may or not be accurate but the distrust for the court system is already in place and therefore needs to be corrected in order to have an effective courts system The main reason for this distrust can come from prior negative experiences with law officials that translates into the same distrust for the courts system With the presence of minorities in these positions we may be able to increase trust for court officials therefore helping to change the way the courts system is viewed I don t know why Why would a judge s race make a difference Why should it make a difference Would a judge who was African American show leniency on a fellow African American If so then that would undermine the entire criminal justice system process would it not Or would the judge who was African American be JUDGE and look past a person s race and judge them based on their actions in regards to the law as they should Questions like this are ignorant If people are judged based on their race and not whether or not they broke the law then we have digressed back into a time to where we are not equals We fought to end segregation so we could separate ourselves from one another by debating how separate we are We want to end discrimination but yet we pose questions like this that do nothing but reinforce the idea and imply that discrimination exists within our criminal justice system Judges should be chosen based upon their qualifications and experiences Not their race To do so does everyone in the country a disservice and continues to segregate us by blatantly separating us based on the color of our skin Ideas like this don t move us forward they push us back

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UOPX CJA 344 - Assignment

Course: Cja 344-
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