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1 Paper on Future Trend of Crisis Intervention in the Human Services Delivery System BSHS 471 2 Crisis interventions are methods used to help individuals who are in need of support resources services to help him or her be able to function on a daily without a person struggling through some type of psychological or emotional crisis Crisis intervention refers to the methods used to offer immediate short term help to individuals who experience an event that produces emotional mental physical and behavioral distress or problems A crisis can refer to any situation in which the individual perceives a sudden loss of his or her ability to use effective problem solving and coping skills A number of events or circumstances can be considered a crisis life threatening situations such as natural disasters such as an earthquake or tornado sexual assault or other criminal victimization medical illness mental illness thoughts of suicide or homicide and loss or drastic changes in relationships death of a loved one or divorce for example Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders In today s world there are so many people who are in need of psychological help and with the different types of mental illness human service workers have to access and make the appropriate decisions in the best interest of the client to make sure the client receives benefits from the services provided for him or her My brother is a prime example of someone who is in need of crisis intervention My brother has been with his girlfriend for about ten years and out of the ten years his mental health and health has gone downhill My brother was a healthy man before he met his so called current girlfriend Throughout his relationship the family learned the 3 girlfriend had been giving my brother prescription drugs Adderall that are prescribed for her ADHD daughter which made my brother begin to hallucinate someone breaking into his house and trying to steal his PS3 At this point the family s only concern is his health which is something he does not take serious He has allowed his living situation with the girlfriend beat him to his knees he feels guilty because he struggled for many years with the girlfriend and her five children My brother has been out of a job since he met the girlfriend in whom she began to take care of him by supplying alcohol that caused him to be a type 1 diabetic high blood high cholesterol pancreatic disorder and not including the depression he has been suffering from his living conditions Now that I am my brother s guardian I plan to help my brother seek the help he needs whether it is disability and or counseling Just today I had taken my brother to his Southeast appointment and while I was there I wanted my brother to take the opportunity to express whatever was going on with him to his soar team is what they are called After my brother was able to express his feelings I wanted to add my opinion and hoped my brother and the soar team understands where I am coming from and why I push so hard for someone to help my brother I can see why my brother feels violated but I need my brother to understand in order for him to love someone else he needs to love himself first and this has been a hard thing for my brother to do 4 As I have told my brother the rate he is going if he does not take his diabetes serious he will no longer be here to love on his girlfriend In brother s case the crisis intervention he needs is someone to talk out his problems because my brother doesn t take the opportunity to talk to family and he seems to think the girlfriend has all of the solutions to his problems With the right treatment I know my brother will begin to see the light and see his girlfriend for who she is I know mental illness can take a toll on one s mind and body and the correct treatment can help a person s condition to improve or in some cases recover completely Treatment in the community rather than in a hospital is considered better for a person s mental health Psychological treatments are often the most helpful for people affected by anxiety disorders or depression while medications are mainly helpful for people more seriously affected by mental illness Mental Illness Treatment Better Health Channel which is something I have been working on is to get my brother out into the community and interact with others to help my brother work on his depression until he is able to talk to a professional about the root to his problems In my opinion I believe the only cure to depression is to seek counseling and take medication but changing one s lifestyle can be a beneficial outcome for the person who is depressed Exercise can play a big part in someone wanting to change his or her lifestyle by adding and taking away things that have no positive or negative effect Most of one helping him or herself begins with the person changing his or her lifestyle by Lifestyle changes also imply taking some stress 5 reduction measures since stress is one of the main factors triggering depression If you find ways to minimize it stress will no longer be a problem in your life If you are looking for treatments for depression taking into consideration these lifestyle changes is very important for the proper management of this condition Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression Although my brother is in crisis he is not in immediate crisis so I hope it is buying the family more time to help find resources programs for people like him who need psychological help and through all of this I hope in the end he is able to manage his emotions when it comes to the girlfriend Reference Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders Crisis Intervention Retrieved on July 30 2012 http www minddisorders com Br Del Crisis intervention html 6 Mental Illness Treatment Better Health Channel http www betterhealth vic gov au bhcv2 bhcarticles nsf pages Mental illness treatments OpenDocument Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression http www treatmentsfordepression org

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