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Running Head ALCOHOL CRISIS INTERVENTION 1 Alcohol Crisis Intervention BSHS 471 Alcohol Crisis Intervention Alcohol dependency can play a huge role when it comes to dealing with certain situations A person who is depressed may turn to alcohol to alleviate these problems Alcohol ALCOHOL CRISIS INTERVENTION 2 has a negative effect on relationships mental physical and emotional states The users who depend on alcohol to suppress these emotions and issues put him or her in harms way Alcohol can be physically damaging for many aspects of the body including important organs such as the liver and pancreas Being dependent on alcohol is a strong sign that a person must receive proper and professional help to deal with alcohol dependency There are many different types of help and programs for individuals dealing with alcohol dependency Dynamics and Background Alcohol can create severe affects on the body when drank heavily for long periods of time however drinking in small amounts also has consequences Alcohol is known to be a commonly abused psychoactive drug in the United States and around the world Many alcoholics begin drinking in small doses Affects of alcohol include loss of coordination and sound impaired judgment blurred vision and slurred speech these factors contribute to automobile accidents and other fatal outcomes One of the health risks associated with alcohol consumption is liver damage The nutrients of the body become impaired when the excessive amount of alcohol must be processed by the liver Alcohol abuse can lead to liver cancer Hepatitis C and cirrhosis these are caused when alcohol is consumed regularly and the liver becomes impaired turning damage towards other organs throughout the body Alcohol addiction can be defined as a condition where an individual experiences compulsive urges to drink alcohol including wine beer and hard liquor Individuals who are in denial of such condition will continue to drink even with the acknowledgment by friends peers family or others that he or she may have a problem or addiction A person who drinks ALCOHOL CRISIS INTERVENTION 3 continuously and is unable to stop drinking is considered to be alcohol dependent or an alcoholic Alcohol dependents are not able to control the urge to drink alcohol which can lead to alcohol abuse this in turn affects the individual in many aspects of life such as family work socially and forgets his or her responsibilities There are different dynamics that play a role with alcohol consumption This may include but is not limited to social determinants of health poverty homelessness lack of parental supervision as a juvenile peer pressure and genetic inheritance There are also psychological factors that can turn an individual to alcohol such as depression low self esteem anxiety stress emotional pain and excitements Alcoholics tend to consume large amounts of alcohol to reduce depression anxiety stress and or emotional pain by drinking alcohol until his or her mind shifts into another zone allowing him or her to forget the problems Juveniles on the other hand consume alcohol because of peer pressure by friends for popularity or to be accepted by friends Another reason individuals turn to alcohol at a young age is because of his or her home structure if a child is raised in a home where alcohol is consumed and abused by the parents then her or she will gain an understanding that this an accepted action Despite the fact that the country tries to encourage juveniles not to drink if adults cannot set an example for the juveniles it may be difficult to turn this population away once he or she has started down the drinking path Unfortunately juveniles are not fully aware of the consequences with drinking and therefore may go through rough experiences such as losing his or her life because of the lack of knowledge Effective Strategies ALCOHOL CRISIS INTERVENTION 4 Alcohol intervention rehabilitation court ordered Alcoholics Anonymous are effective strategies for intervening with a person who has alcoholism According to Alcohol Intervention Programs 2012 alcohol intervention programs are those designed to confront the alcoholic about the severity of his drinking and what effects it is having in the lives of people around him para 1 An intervention is a way for the family and friends of the alcoholic to let him or her know what he or she is seeing the alcoholism is hurting him or her too and that there is a solution to the dependency out there There are several forms of rehabilitation centers and treatments For example there are outpatient inpatient driving while under the influence and long term to name a few Each option comes with a different level of supervision from a counselor An option that may work for one alcoholic may not work for another It is important that counselors recognize which option the alcoholic needs to send him or her down the right path the first time An alcoholic may be entered into a rehabilitation center willing or unwilling but it should be done with the best interest of the client in mind Court orders Alcoholics Anonymous AA is a way for the government to step in to try to get an alcoholic help According to Alcoholics Anonymous n d judges may send offenders to AA as a result of being arrested for drunken driving family disputes or some other problem involving alcohol para 1 Family friends and the court must look at the individual as an individual if they want to help the alcoholic What worked for one person may not work for another and there is no such one size fits all treatment Alcoholism is a serious chemical dependency issue and any one of these three interventions may work to get an alcoholic sober again ALCOHOL CRISIS INTERVENTION 5 Components of Prevention There are several components of prevention that may be applied to chemical dependency according to National Drug Control Strategy preventing alcohol dependency starts with the role of the parents Although all parents are significant influence of children parents of children aged eight to thirteen are mainly influential Such manner and assistance with activities are without doubt toughened by involved parents When parents take small steps in preventing chemical dependency with there children it is a proven fact that this will deter them from becoming dependant as an adult Human Service Workers Role in Prevention Chemical dependencies are people who are addicted to chemical substances ranging from alcohol prescription drugs nicotine

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