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How might countries better prepare for crisis intervention given what we learned from the disaster in Japan There are many phase s to being prepared for a crisis and how many of which frankly are not worth preparing for in advance either because of their low probability of occurrence as for the Japan earth quake the people were prepared but not for the tsunami and the fact that many crises require more real time attention that a crisis plan simply can not prepare for in advance Preparing some unforeseen event and making plans in advance as part of a crisis management plan is the first possible step to ensuring an organization is correctly prepared for a crisis Crisis management teams can rehearse the crisis plan by developing a simulation scenario to use as a drill The plan should clearly insist on that the only people to speak publicly about the crisis are the designated persons such as the company spokesperson or crisis team members Generally the first hours after a crisis breaks are the most crucial having to work with speed and efficiency is important and the plan should indicate how quickly each function should be performed When preparing to offer a statement externally as well as internally information should be precise Providing incorrect or manipulated information has a propensity to backfire and will greatly worsen the situation The contingency plan should contain information and guidance that will help decision makers to consider not only the short term consequences but the long term effects of every decision Response 2 There are a lot of things that countries can do to better prepare for crisis intervention in the event of a crisis situation The diaster is Japan with the tsunami affected a lot of people residents and travelers In the event that another one was to happen Japan could better prepare themselves by making people aware of safe houses and giving them information for what to do in the event of crisis Crisis intervention can be helped by making people aware of the sources they can use such as evaluations locations and go bags to make sure they are prepared

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Japan

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