Faniel v Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co Faniel sued for false imprisonment and was awarded 7000 in jury trial Faniel called in for routine testing and she admitted to having 3 unauthorized phones and signed a statement to that effect She was informed it would be necessary to go to her home and pick up the equiptment People went with her took them back and she was given a 30 day suspension from work Faniel then filed for false imprisonment and won Company appealed Company won the appeal because she did not object or try to leave car she just went along with it so she was not falsely imprisoned Stephens v Pillen Bench trial judge without jury Filed in State district court of Nebraska 18 plantiffs against the hog confinement facilities owner Terrible smells had ruined the plantiffs way or life made them feel imprisoned they couldn t go outside because it smelled so bad and thatthey had been deprived of the normal use and enjoyment of their property They complained and the defendant did nothing about it Defendants motion to dismiss was not granted Judge ruled in favor of plantiffs and ordered defendants to explore process to mitigate the odors In addition within 12 months they had to get rid of the odors or nusance or shut down their operations Plantiffs were not awarded any damages as they had not shown any evidence of them deserving damages This went to the Nebraska court of appeals Defendants challenenged that their hog confinement operator was not a nusance and plantiffs challenged the trial courts failure to award damages The appeals court deniced the defendants appeal and no that sentence was kept The appeals court awarded the 11 of the 18 plantiffs who presented sufficient testimony and facts to receive damages compensation The others did not wish to receive any compensation or did not present a strong enough case to be awarded damages The damane amount was left to the original district court of nebraksa
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