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05 06 2013 Memory of John d Erley William Marshals Death Public death in front of fans followers He spoke at death o Gave 1st son all of his power to uphold o Gave 2nd and 3rd son tangible items Spoke spread power at death to continue his famous family name and so his sons would not fight Publicly professed affection during Feudal Period Relationships feelings were expressed by external signs and evidence Society of ostentation act of showing and giving Lords gave things to vassals to show that they were above them Poem of William Marshal states the meaning of Largesse o This is how William gained warriors to fight for him Public ceremony in which a sword is given to represent honor Largesse Dubbing 1 Represents upper class becoming a knight o 1st major event in noblemen s life Tournaments A way for a knight to keep up his appearances Needed to win in order to keep fans and nobility o Nobility was attained through bravery and skill Clergy did not approve of tournaments Tournaments for William Marshal o Allowed William to attain Largesse 2nd son would fight and win William would gain followers these followers would gain largesse and William would become a Noblemen o William did most of his fighting in tournaments o William liked to fight in an open field with daring friends o Greater chance of William dying in tournaments than in an actual battle Feudal Marriages Peasants o Married to get help on their land and to have someone to take care of them as they got older 2 Lords Kings o King of England would maintain power by providing knights with a rich widow or wife The knights would become lords and they would no longer want to strive and become king o William Marshal became a lord when he married Isabelle He gained vassals land from France and Ireland and money Feudal Warfare Fighting done between the ruling classes The fighting would not completely annihilate the ruling class but it was more of a sport Land would be parceled out Those who received the land had an obligation to fight for their liege lord This meant when a king went to war he d collect his knights and their retainers and use them as an army On top of that the king could use his own income to hire mercenaries who would actually make up the bulk of o o any army Started with a guild that was created to standardize teaching standards to uphold o In order to be apart of the clergy students started paying and using this guild to gain and education People would pay overlords their profits so that their business would not have any competition and preserve monopolies Regulated employment and membership by only hiring masters of their business Most guilds were closed to Jews Muslims and limited to women Universities Guilds 3 Destined to become a night he would rather learn Abelard Famous for debating Relationship with Heloise Tutored Heloise o o The two had a secret marriage and child Uncle found child and had him castrated Heloise became a nun Abelard moved in with Uncle 4 The two began writing letters of love that now represent the book Sic et Non Yes and No The book was burned in churches because Abelard could not provide proof and solutions to Sic et Non Aristotle s works along with many others became available to Western Europe during 13th Century Scholasticism had been established but it was not compatible enough so many works were filtered through Abelard Theory and practice of reconciling various forms of knowledge through local debate often called dialectic Obtaining knowledge the best way and evidence derived from reason o Sic et Non which lead to the Summa Theologica Scholasticism Examples Thomas Aquinas Wrote Summa Theologica o Theology of the Roman Catholic Church o Questioning of Christianity Summa Contra questioned Non Christian religions o Displayed religious arguments consecutively persuaded the reader that Aquinas was correct o Defense of faith through reason o Gave the opposing view first then his view This was a prime example of scholasticism It secretly and 5 Just War One of Aquinas not sinful view on the topic of waging war 1 Was only used for punishment to take care of wrongs committed 2 Cannot be waged by one person the state has to wage war o o 3 Have to have a right reason Sinful if these things were apparent 1 React with wrath 2 Virtue peace not sin war 3 those who take violent weapons are committing an act of violence Bible 4 preparation exercises commended them from practicing and preparing for war Romanesque Architecture Earlier buildings that used basic elements of architecture under Roman Empire 6 o Depicted evil punishment with demons Gothic Cathedrals Later version of Feudal System architecture following Romanesque o Round arches o Massive stone walls o Sturdy supporting columns St Serin Toulouse Pointed arches o Ribbed roofing Flying buttresses External support that o o o Strengthened the inner walls Strengthened the stained glass windows o Notre Dame in Paris France Feudal System surpassed Roman Period in terms of architecture 7 Fourteenth Century Crisis Population growth for more help on farmland and being taken care of as the couple ages More people More crops More crops depletion of soil No soil population malnourished people Plague and Famine Result Peasants gain freedom Lords gain land 100 Years War Siege of Orleans o Joan of Arc declared siege to stop everything lead the French forces Second Serfdom Started due to fights among lords over nobility during the 14th Century Crisis and Statue of Laborers And the Parliament of Paris French highest court put a French man in power in England instead of King of England Joan replaces thrown by convincing French officers she can hear heavenly voices that tell her to 8 French expelled all English after winning 100 year war o o Tailed tax on land and Gabelle tax on salt were ways for the king to gain revenue from English after war Bishop of Lincoln gave power to priest so that everyone could resolve all of his or her sins Chronicle of Henry Knighton Black Death Killed most of England s Labor force Lead to Covee Labor o Peasants farming lords land for safety and shelter and no pay Statue of Laborers Created in response to labor shortage from Black Death o Was a way to impose self serfdom King Richard imposed poll tax on everyone which lead to peasants revolting The revolt and taxes is the end of Statue of Laborers and the cause of the 100 year war 9 Humanist Urged people to read classic ancient Greek writings Wanted to guide people to lead a

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