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Individual Difference Distincitve patterns orientations with with the way people react to their Personality MBTI Personality enviroments It predicts behavior is difficult to change and develops over time Personality translates into outcomes Intelligence ability personality attitudes emotions turn into job performance satisfaction turnover work behaviors 5 Factor Model Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness and Neuroticism OCEAN Score high or low on all any extremes are bad table 3 1 Openness Wanting experience comfortable with unfamiliarity Neroticism Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Frequency of social interaction need for stiumlation How well interpersonal orientation is Adjustment vs Emotional Stability Degree of motivation persistance in goal directed behavior Tenancy to feel eith positive or negative emotions which way to you Tendancy to adjust behaviors to situation of feelings Pleasant vs Unpleasant and Activation vs Other aspects of personality Affectivity lean Self monitoring 2 Dimensional structure Deactivation Emotional Differentiation vs Emotional Influence MBTI Preferences are an innate inborn preisposition ESTJ more prefered in US Extroversion vs Introversion Where do you get your energy Focus on the otuer world Lots of interests working with people Deep interest in a few things work alone small groups reflect Extroversion think out loud Introversion before acting Sensing vs INtuition How do you perceive Sensing prefer what is real literal Intuition imagination over reality theoretical Take in information in a sequential Way Practical rely on senses Taking in a bit picture Patterns and possibilities future oriented Thinking vs Feeling Heart vs Brain Thinking Feeling harmony Logical focus on task impersonal may overlook person Focus on person use values when reaching conclusions want Judging vs Perceiving Attitude towards world and how we orient to it Planned approach focus on what needs to be done strict schedule Spontaneous want flexibility include many ideas postpone Judging Perceiving decisions respond resourcefully to change Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Self Awareness Self Regulation Motivation Emphathy Social Skills Understanding your emotions and other emotions and how you can control them both Has a role in making decisions motivation managing conflicts coping with change and communication 4 Main Core Elements Apprasing Expressing Emotions In Yourself Others Managing Your Own Emotions and Responding to the Emotions of Others Apprasing Expressing Emotions In Yourself How am I feeling right now Apprasing and Recognizing emotions in others How is THIS person feeling Managing your own emotions What do you do when Control resilience self motivation Responding to the Emotions of Others What do you do when others feel Empathy use of others emotions From multiple sources scientifically valid measures assesssing individual teammate and leadership characteristics Absolute scores give you an idea of where you stand 3 may mean you are strong in this area but compare to your fellow students Compare differences between yourself and how others evaluated you Pleasant surprise people see you better than yourself blind spot others rated you lower than yourself strength you and other people voted that you were high oppertunity both you and your peers voted you low 360 Assessment Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Situation where incompatible goals attitudes emotions behaviors leads to Enhances decision new perspectives creativity simulates change Reduce productivity morale cohesiveness Creates Conflict disagreement can be positive and negative Functional Conflict Dysfunctional Conflict dissatisfaction and tension Conflict Process Model Situational a need Structural a Stage 1 Potential Opposition Incompatibility condition Stage 2 Cognition and Personalization People perceive and get emotionally involved with conflict perceived and felt conflict Attribution is cause is with the other party Solve conflict early Stage 3 Intentions and Behaviors negotiations Assertiveness satisfy yourself vs Cooperativeness satisfy others Stage 4 Outcomes Conflict resolution negotiation approaches Avoiding accommodating competing compromising collaborating on the cooperative assertive graph Understand your own strengths and weaknesses in Depends Seperate PEOPLE from the problem Interests NOT positions Mutual Gain Develop objective criteria Conflict types 5 approaches Competing Forcing Protect your own interests and uncooperative with other party Avoiding Accommodating take advantage Collaborating Integrating both sets of interests Compromising Organizational Structure Passive aggressive Issues aren t delt with in a positive fashion Avoid conflict Help other party without defending own interests Allows other to Solve problem together Both parties important Look for Try to get things done quickly Fast not necessarily effective solutions Organizational Structure within an organization Who does what who reports to whom how are decisions made basic reporting A formal way of how tasks are devided grouped coordinated relationships and task flows Directly influences behavior has a strong impact on performance and is the main source of burnout and conflicts in an organization Degree to which tasks are subdevided Increases efficiency reduces How jobs are grouped together Area function product Design Elements Specialization flexibility and motivation Departmentalization Chain of Command supervisor Unity of Command increases accountability Span of Control chaos Centralization Decentralization org Can increase control accountability but slows down decision making Formalization How standardized jobs are Increases control reduces flexibility Who reports to whom from the bottom to the top 1 Person to 1 Number of subordinates a manager has Too small is costly to large is Is decision making concentrated or spread throughout Mechanistic vs Organic Structure Mechanistic Specialization departmentalization narrow span of control centralization formal clear chain of command Stable and cost efficient decentralization low formalization Innovative Dynamic Uncertian Cross functional cross higherarchical teams free flow of information Organic Growth and Structures Simple Functional Market Oriented Matrix Phase 1 Creativity Simple structure Phase 2 Direction Functional specialized formalized Phase 3 Delegation Market Oriented decentralizaed Phase 4 Coordination Matrix cross

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UMD BMGT 364 - Individual Difference

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