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Organizations for Conservation The nature Conservarcy 80 2 of World Wildlife Fund Species Biodiversity Global scale 79 of 84 of Grassroots Efforts Natural Restore Defense council use law science to protect wildlife habitat Advocating for conservation at the local level Bioremediation What is Bioremediation Bio Biology Remediate To solve a problem The use of organisms to degrade hazardous contaminants Bacteria fungi plants Principles of Bioremediation metabolism non toxic forms Why use bioremediation organisms take molecules from environment and use them for growth and some are capable of using contaminated substances and convert them into Natural break down of contaminants is not fast enough Not complete enough Not frequently occurring enough What are environmental pollutants 1 Xenobiotics Chemically synthesized compounds that would never occur 2 Pollutants naturally occurring compounds that are present in unnaturally in nature manmade high concentrations

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KSU BSCI 10002 - Organizations for Conservation

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