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HUMAN COMM WK9 QUIZ Score 10 10 Question 1 When Katie is asked what she likes most about Jay s Steak House she replies that it is cheap In this instance the term cheap is a polarizing b relative c jargon d syntactic Question 2 a True b False Question 3 a conveying allness b conveying disaffiliation c precise d polarizing Question 4 a a relative term b a precise term c a polarizing term d jargon Question 5 We convey information about our power over others or our connection with them through relational messages Jason says that Kelly is a nice girl Jason s comment is A doctor tells her friends that she had a difficult day because a patient coded They do not understand her meaning because she has used According to the textbook what is the primary risk of using jargon a Listeners may be overly impressed b Listeners may become alienated c Listeners will think the speaker is incompetent in his or her field d Listeners will think the speaker does not care about impressing them Question 6 Since language is symbolic which of the following is true a word meanings are not arbitrary b words are the same as meanings c people respond to denotative rather than connotative meanings d words do not themselves have meaning but represent ideas feelings objects or Referring to a person s race ethnicity or gender when those characteristics are not relevant isreferred to as marking A formal system of written characters representing a language s spoken words is a syntax When you use language to clarify the action you are seeing you are providing anoperational description events Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 a True b False a True b False a True b False a True b False Rules that govern the way words are combined in sentences are syntactic HUMAN COMM WK10 QUIZ Score 10 10 Adaptors show that nonverbal messages can reveal the emotions behind verbal messages According to expectancy violations theory attempts to explain the meanings that people attribute to nonverbal behavior of others that violate our expectations When your boss is in a bad mood he unconsciously pulls at his necktie His action is a b They can give listeners a better idea of the speaker s opinion than the speaker s Which of the following is true of contradictors a They reinforce verbal messages verbalmessage c They are called regulators d A facial expression cannot be a contradictor Question 5 When we wave goodbye to someone replacing the verbal message with a nonverbal one we are using a n Question 1 True False Question 2 True False Question 3 a emblem b contradictor c adaptor d illustrator Question 4 a emblem b affect display c illustrator d accentor Words or sounds inserted into a sentence repeatedly such as like or I mean are emblems When we put on a suit for a job interview we are communicating through The fact that language is co constructed means a words have meanings but people do not b communication is dependent on language c silence is the absence of communication d messages are influenced by context and frame of reference During class Colt leans back in his chair with his arms crossed He is sending a message that he wishes to distance himself from the other students and from the instructor He is communicating through Question 6 True False Question 7 a artifacts b haptics c chronemics d proxemics Question 8 Question 9 a chronemics b posture c gaze d haptics Question 10 a freezing responses b flight postures c fight postures d pacifying behaviors According to Navarro unconscious actions that indicate discomfort are Human Comm Wk 12 quiz score 10 10 Revealing personal information about ourselves is known as self disclosure Question 1 a True b False Question 2 The textbook recommends which of the following as conversation openers a A corny compliment b Self disclosure c A personal topic d A reference to the place you are in Question 3 Withholders are people who have a a high need for openness b low need for openness c high need for control d low need for control Question 4 Question 5 Which of the following is true of introverts a Introverts have a high need for inclusion b Introverts have highly contradictory needs c Introverts appreciate interruptions d Extreme introverts would be recluses Facework that is designed to restore face after loss has occurred is preventive facework True False The closeness in a relationship achieved by mutual sharing is known as intimacy Todd asks Beth Do you know where the bookstore is She gives him a one word answer Yes Her response violates which conversational principle When a contribution to a conversation abruptly shifts to a new and unrelated topic it lacks Relevancy Thibaut and Kelley s theory about the costs and rewards of relationships is known as Uncertainty Reduction Theory Question 6 a True b False Question 7 a Quality b Quantity c Relevancy d Manner Question 8 Question 9 a True b False a True b False Question 10 Cultures with a high power distance a are populated mostly by autocrats b accept unequal power distribution as normal c see unequal power distribution as not normal or desirable d appreciate empowerment practices Human Comm Wk 13 quiz score 10 10 Explicitly spelled out standards of conduct are called group rules A group of city politicians is assembled to determine the best way to alleviate rush hour traffic in the downtown area In choosing the best strategy the group is addressing a problem of A method of brainstorming that ensures equal participation even from shy members is called Question 1 True False Question 2 a fact b policy c conjecture d value Question 3 a force field analysis b groupthink c question of conjecture d nominal group technique Question 4 True False Question 5 In relation to a group a team is a the same thing b not committed to productivity c more cohesive d less productive Question 6 The first step in the group problem solving process is to analyze the problem Follow up occurs in the sixth step of the group process a True b False Question 7 True False Question 8 When group members try to understand the task at hand they are in the emergence phase Which of the following is most true of teams in the United States as compared to teams in other countries a Americans expect people to be task oriented b Americans do not approve when other members speak up to disagree c Americans do not view male and female team members as having equal status d Americans are more concerned with face saving Question 9 Which of the following is part of effective

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