Karl Marx 03 19 2013 Proletariat workers working class Capitalists those who own the means of production Means of production tools factories infrastructure natural resources raw materials Dialectical Materialism Material factors are responsible for the development of history Condemned religion as the opium of the masses Driving force of social change is the struggle b t social classes Materialistic Interpretation of History All major phenomena of history are determined by economic conditions Progress is determined by material conditions The class that gets control of means of production will dominate the rest using political power economic might to oppress others Theory of Surplus Value Value of goods produced by workers actual wages paid Natural resources are turned into commodities b c of labor wages paid to workers are very low All the profit surplus value belongs to the labor but goes to capitalist Theory of Class Struggle Exploited have become aware of their exploitation Features of capitalism large scale production monopoly which lead to concentration of wealth in the hands of fewer persons Workers are exploited grow poorer Proletariat will make a joint appeal for revolution against capitalists Dictatorship of the Proletariat Proletarian dictatorship is the transition from capitalism to communism capitalists are overthrown Dictatorship gradually takes over all means of productions confiscates private capital Centralizes credit finance establishes state factories Concentrates means of transportation speeds up production Compel all to work Organize labor Classless society Each gets according to his capacity according to his work Nature of communist society Dictatorship is an instrument for communism Sole objective is to emancipate indivs from all sorts of slavery No classes no class antagonisms Work is compulsory each indiv must perform his duties according Abolish the leisure class the system of unearned income destroy Artificial differences removed from communist society Scarcity poverty banished Free development of each is the condition for free development of to his ability elitism all 03 19 2013 03 19 2013
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