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Chapter 9 Marketing Research and Information Systems o Marketing Research key prerequisite to successful decision making Consists of a set of techniques and principles for systematically collecting recording analyzing and interpreting data that can aid decision makers involved in marketing goods services or idea o Marketing information system MkIS set of procedures and methods that apply to the regular planned collection analysis and presentation of information that then may be used in marketing decisions o Data warehouses large computer files containing info from customers o Data mining variety of statistical analysis tools to uncover previously unknown patterns in the data or relationships among variables o Secondary data pieces of information that have already been collected from other sources and usually are readily available o Syndicated data data available for a fee from commercial research firms such as Information Resources Inc o Exploratory Research attempts to begin to understand the phenomenon of interest also provides initial information when the problem lacks any clear definition Observation entails examining purchase and consumption behaviors through personal or video camera scrutiny In depth interview an exploratory research technique in which trained researchers ask questions listen to and record the answer and then pose additional questions to clarify or expand on a particular issue Focus group interview a small group of persons comes together for an intensive discussion about a particular topic trained moderator guides the conversation the basis of a predetermined general outline of the topics of interest Projective technique Type of qualitative researching which subjects are provided a scenario and asked to express their thoughts and feelings about it o Conclusive research provides the information needed to confirm those insights and which managers can use to pursue appropriate courses of action Survey systematic means of collecting information from people that generally uses a questionnaire Questionnaire form that features a set of questions designed to gather information from respondents and thereby accomplish the researchers objectives Unstructured questions open ended and allow respondents to answer n their own words Structured questions closed need questions for which a discrete set of response alternative or specific answers is provided for respondents to evaluate Experimental research type of quantitative research that systematically manipulates one or more variables to determine which variables have a causal effect on another variable Scanner Research type of quantitative research that uses data obtained from scanner readings of UPC codes at check out counters Panel research type of quantitative research that involves collecting information from a group of consumers the panel over time The data collected from the panelists may be from a survey or a record of purchases Data raw numbers or other factual information that on their own have limited value to marketers Information when data is evaluated or interpreted that has value to marketers

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OSU BUSML 3250 - Chapter 9 Marketing Research and Information Systems

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