1 7 12 Biology Scientific study of life Life a Order b Regulation complex but ordered organization External environment subject to change Must have mechanisms in place to regulate internal environment Info in genes controls patterns of growth and development in all homeostasis c Growth development organisms d Energy Utilization Take in energy and transform it in performing life activities e Responsiveness to the environment f Reproduction organisms reproduce their own kind g Evolution populations of organisms change over time Basic Themes Life occurs at many levels Biologists explore life at levels ranging from the biosphere to the molecules that make up cells Each level has emergent properties level of complexity increases as you go up Ecosystems Each organism interacts continuously with its environment Both organisms and environment are affected Cells are basic functioning unit Lowest level of structure that can perform all activities required for life All organisms are composed of cells 2 major types Prokaryote simple small no organelles bacteria Eukaryote larger more complex contains organelles what were made of DNA provides information for life s continuity All cells use dna as the chemical material of genes Genes are the units of inheritance that transmit information from parents to offspring All life is related Underlying the diversity of like is a striking unity especially at the lower levels of structure Ex DNA Biological evolution accounts for Life is diverse in its forms Known life includes 1 8 million species Taxonomy is the branch of biology that names and classifies species Organize and categorize related organisms into smaller 3 domains of life groups Eukarya bacteria archae Kingdoms in Eukarya Evolution is unifying theme Protists plants fungi animals Fossils document this history Each species is one bud of a branching tree of life extending back in time Scientific method Science derived from latin verb to know Way of knowing Empirical based on observation Must be testable Science developed from people s curiosity about themselves and the world around them 2 main approaches 1 Discovery science Seeks natural causes for natural phenomena Observing the natural world Limited to study of structures and processes that we can observe and measure Verifiable observations and measurements are the data of discovery science Inductive reasoning Specific observations to form general conclusion 2 Hypothesis driven science Observations of discovery science lead to questions Scientific method is used to investigate questions Scientific method is a formal process with steps 1 Make observations 2 Formulate a hypothesis 3 Devise a testable prediction 4 Conduct a critical experiment 5 Draw conclusions and make revisions Hypothesis A tentative answer to some question Explanation on trial Deductive logic is used to test the hypothesis reasoning flows from general to specific Controlled Experiment Such an experiment is designed to compare an experimental group Ideally a control group and an experimental group differ in only one with a control group variable Hallmarks of extremely well designed experiments Use of blind double blind Variety of participants The culture of science Scientists build on what ahs been learned from earlier research Pay close attention to contemporary scientists working on Science technology and society same problem Science and technology are interdependent Scientific theory Much broader than a hypothesis comprehensive explanation Supported by extensive evidence close to fact as possible Examples heliocentric theory cell theory theory of evolution
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