How we think what we do how we feel is shaped by the position we occupy in society Sociology the systematic study of the relationship between the individual society of the consequences of the difference Our options are shaped by the position we occupy As individuals we choose but are influenced by other people our social network knowledge We influence are influenced by the people world around us sociology studies the influences Wright C Mills 1959 made concept of Sociological Imagination awareness of relationship between who we are as individuals social forces that shape our lives ex interaction between history biography recognition of importance of our social location ex age gender race To develop sociological imagination seeing different private vs public issues Private troubles problems we face with immediate relationships to our personal lives Public issues problems we face as a consequence of the social positions we occupy in the larger social structure Ex unemployment Developing a sociological imagination helps us to make the most informed decisions 4 key components of sociology 1 Systematic Study data from people participating uses quantitative counting mathematically analyzing surveys qualitative listening allowing them to interpret their own lives 2 The Individual agency the freedom individuals have to choose and to act in the group that is studied 3 Society core of sociology aka social environment Consists of patterns of relationships social networks that we operate in 4 Consequences of the difference opportunities obstacles created for advantages disadvantages main task of sociology investigate levels of social inequality members of society have different amounts of wealth prestige or power Science knowledge obtained by methods of systematic observation divided into natural social Natural science study of physical features of nature with ways they interact change Social science study of social features of humans with ways they interact Change Sociology anthropology political science etc Emily Durkheim Helped to create psychology with his theory on suicide Theory set of statements that seek to explain problems actions or Behaviors The more interdependent connected the less likely we are to for suicide 1895 Established Europe s 1st Department of Sociology at the Univ of Bordeaux Development of Soc How is social order maintained Sociology started in upheaval 19th century industrial revolution Society moving from primary focus on religion to scientific farm to city Auguste Compte Named sociology the study of process of companionship Laws of society Social statics principles by which societies hold together order is maintained Social dynamics factors that bring about change shape the nature direction of change Harriet Martineau Wrote 1st book on sociological method Society in America Believed scholars should act on the info they gathered Social order Social inequality Durkheim thought increase of division of labor would cause individuals to have less shared experiences thoughts feelings Anomie loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become less effective increases likelihood of loneliness isolation despair How Do Power Inequality Shape Outcomes Karl Marx power control over resources made social order Viewed social inequality as a lack of resources Max Weber said social status organizational resources also shaped stance in society Social resources get power from people s willingness to trust obey them as a leader How Does interaction shape our worlds top down approach Macrosociology concentrates on large scale phenomena or entire civilizations Sees society as a whole how broad social forces shape our lives Durkheim Marx Weber bottom up approach Microsociology stress on the study of smaller groups analysis of their everyday experiences interactions Puts importance on the individual s perception Erving Goffmann invented method called dramaturgical approach which compares everyday life to the theatre How Does Group Membership Influence Opportunity Black sociologist W E B DuBois critical of those who relied on common sense Research revealed the social processes that contributed to racial separation which is called the color line Ida Wells Barnett society s principles should match their actions societies can be judged by whether or not their actions match their principles Ex every man was created equal but Af Am s are mistreated How Should Sociologists Respond Research should lead to social change Practicing Sociology Personal Sociology recognizing the impact our individual position has on who we are how we think act Academic Sociology degrees can get you jobs in a range of fields often lead to law degrees grad school Applied Sociology use of sociology with intent of yielding applications for human behavior organizations Clinical Sociology facilitates change by altering organizations or reconstructing social institutions Globalization worldwide integration of government policies cultures social movements financial markets through trade exchange of ideas
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