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Study Terms for Final Exam Development of Europe Prof DeVun Short Answers 1 Saladin late 12th c Sultan of the Ayubbid dynasty and fought against the Christians during the third Crusade He had major influence on muslim expansion and trade with outsiders He also proclaimed that anyone could be muslim During the Crusades he encouraged and sent raiding parties to disrupt and attack the Frankish kingdom Byzantine Empire and Italian Kingdoms 2 Crusades Pilgrimage to Jerusalem commissioned by Pope Urban II after he proclaimed Christians were being persecuted by the Muslims There were four Crusades between 1095 and the 13th century that were disastrous The crusades caused interaction between Muslims and Christians allowing them to share beliefs Christians brought back scripts of antiquity that would be translated and eventually lead to the renaissance 4 3 Carnival 13th c present A few months out of the year there was a huge festival held before lent It turned the normally religious world upside down Although it was a time to party violence and rebellions rose up during the time period Many of these revolts were collectively called Peasant Wars condottieri 14th 17th c Mercenaries hired by Italian Kingdoms who were rich but had no armies The condottieri were reliable and fought for the highest bidder but this also meant they could be the end of an empire Francesco Sforza was a mercenary that took over the Duchy of Milan during the 15th century They originated from the Crusades but were heavily used during the Renaissance 5 Conquistadors 15th 16th c Spanish adventurers in the Americas who explored and conquered lands of indigenous peoples After Columbus s voyage they followed him Pizarro took on the Incan Empire while Cortez destroyed the Aztec Empire The conquistadors brought an abundance of European animals and plants to these indigenous peoples but also brought disease like smallpox which was catastrophic to the native populations of the Americas 6 Black Death 1347 1350 epidemic disease that destroyed a third of the European population The disease is believed to have originated from the Gobi desert in Mongolia It spread through Crimean ports which Venetian merchants often traded with The Venetians brought it back to Europe which was devastated The bacteria was carried by fleas and rats and cause immense swelling of the glands Many people felt like it was punishment of God or blamed Jews minorities Although Europe was heavily effected some cities such as Milan weren t effected due to quarantine 7 Poggio Bracciolini 1380 1459 humanist and scholar of the renaissance He translated many works of antiquity that were brought back from the Crusades Due to his translations many ancient texts were now available to the public allowing them to understand the rhetoric and logic of ancient civilizations mostly Greece 8 mechanical clocks 14th c present Mechanical clocks are invented and become known during the 14th century This meant that people could know the time without reliance on a sundials hourglasses etc First clocks were extremely expensive and only towns could afford them Towns started using them to compete with one another saying who has the bigger clock After a while they finally became inexpensive and available to the household Clocks were originally set to strike every hour to remind people Isabella of Castile late 15th c Queen of Spain during the Renaissance The marriage of her and Ferdinand unified Spain She wished to expand Spain s trade and at her own expense she funded Christopher Columbus s voyage to the New World Without Queen Isabella s generosity towards Columbus Spain would have not gained so much power territory in the late Renaissance 9 10 Pact of Umar 8th c Muslim laws instituted in Jerusalem for Christians and Jews It gave them the right to practice their religious rites in private but taxed them Christians and Jews also couldn t keep their children from becoming Muslim The pact also promised protection of these people 11 Inquisition 12th 13th c Actions taken by the Catholic Church that persecuted heretics Heretics were interrogated tortured and humiliated The Inquisition mostly targeted Christians and Christian converts 12 Andreas Vesalius 16th c Anatomist known for his works on revealing the human body and its functions 13 witch trials 17th c Pope Innocent VIII puts out papal announcement in 1484 speaking of the troubles of witches Had Inquisitorial procedure and affected both Christian and Protestant communities People were accused of killing babies and animals The witch trials had an Inquisitorial procedure where they were given absurd and impossible physical tests 14 Universities 11th 13th c catholic schools rose during the middle ages and eventually Cathedral schools became heavily organized into the first universities Universities educated people with memorization of hand written books Universities also invented scholasticism which was originally used to convert people to Christianity Universities also encouraged its students and teachers to challenge ideas and debate 15 Ignatius of Loyola 16th c Catholic leader during the Catholic Reformation and Spanish Inquisition He was also the creator and head of the Society of Jesus and the Jesuits 16 priesthood of all believers 16th c Belief of protestants that everyone baptized is his own priest and spiritual Rejected the traditional royal priesthood that was rooted deep in the Roman Catholic Church s history 17 Alexander VI late 15th c Pope that had mistresses and tried to promote his son s rise to power while cementing alliances through marriages of his children This proved disastrous causing the French invasion of Italy In the beginning of his time as a pope he also gave Spanish conquistadors the right to explore the New World and take slaves 18 Anabaptists 16th c Sect of radical Protestantism Believed in adult baptism as well as separation of church and state Anabaptists sought to live in disciplined holy communities Anabaptists were persecuted throughout Europe because of their belief in adult baptism 19 Leonardo da Vinci 1452 1519 Inventor humanist painter and many more Leo was a young gifted painter when he went to Milan to promote his many clever ideas to the Duke Sforza Leo s innovative ideas were mechanical and gadgetry that involved prototype inventions as well as urban projects His interest in the human body was immense and he learned to study through observation rather than text 20 Humanism 15th 17th c

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Rutgers HISTORYGENERAL/COMPARATIVE 101 - Development of Europe

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