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Individual Differences I 1 360 Degree Feedback Final Exam a Comprehensive assessment of your individual leadership and teamwork characteristics b Based on scientifically valid measures c From multiple sources i Yourself ii Your Peers iii Your Classmates d One of the best practices i 360 Degree evaluations are the roughest evaluations you can get because people hear things about themselves they ve never heard before Jack Welch Former CEO G E 2 Ways To Understand 360 Feedback a Look At The Absolute Scores In The Report i 1 minimum 3 neutral 5 maximum ii If your score is higher than 3 and closer to 5 in a certain dimension then you may have a strong characteristic in that dimension b Compare Your Score With Others i To what degree your score is higher or lower than the averaged score of comparison others ii Two Comparison Others 1 Your team members 2 The other students who participated in the survey n 468 3 Understanding My Individual Characteristics a Who Am I How Am I Different from Similar Others b Better understand your individual characteristics Report p 2 9 i Personality Traits ii Self Beliefs iii Cultural Values iv Emotional Traits v Goal Orientations vi Conflict Management Styles c Take the difference between your score and the average score of comparison others d See how big the difference is in comparison to the standard deviation i Example 2 1 Extraversion Your assertiveness talkativeness sociability and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others 4 Understanding My Leadership Skills and Abilities a How am I good bad at leadership b Comprehensive assessment of your leadership skills and abilities p 10 14 i Emotional Intelligence EI ii Leadership Behaviors Task oriented relation oriented transformational and transactional leadership c Compare your self assessment scores with your peers averaged evaluation scores d Find out your strengths pleasant surprises blind spots and weaknesses e f In this case the peers SD scores reflect the degree of agreement among the peers g Example 2 i Relations Oriented Leadership Consideration The extent to which you see yourself as exhibiting concern for the welfare of the members of the group ii i h Leadership Diagram 5 Understanding Your Performance In a Team a How am I perceived by others in my team b Better understand your performance effectiveness in your team p 15 16 i Your Performance In A Team ii Your Relationship With Team Members c Look at the mean and standard deviation degree of agreement d Compare how your scores are different from the overall ratings across all participants e Example 3 i General Performance Your team members assessment of the quantity quality accuracy and efficiency of your work output ii 6 Understand How Your Team Performed a How is my team performing compared to other teams b Assess your team s key processes p 17 18 i Team Conflict ii Team Learning Processes c Look at the mean and standard deviation degree of agreement d Compare how your scores are different from the overall ratings across participants e Example 4 i Task Conflict The extent of arguments about task related or project related issues in your team ii 7 What Is Personality with their environments b Important for 3 Reasons a Personality A set of distinctive patters or orientations in which individuals respond or interact i Predicts individual thinking patterns behavior tendencies ii Difficult impossible to change iii Developed throughout entire lives better to understand our personality than to change it c Focus On Individual Differences in Personality Individuals are different in many ways one of the core differences being personality i Understanding individual differences in personality can help you to better understand yourself and who you are compared with others 1 Important for many decisions in your life including career decisions a For example What kind of job should I pursue or if I pursue a particular type of job what are my strengths and weaknesses to effectively perform in the job ii Understanding individual differences can help you to better understand others 1 The understanding of individual differences is a starting point of effective management of other people and of becoming an effective team player d However many people do not notice personality difference or do not appreciate personality difference as normal and natural i Instead they usually perceive it as something wrong abnormal or weird That s why personality differences lead to many interpersonal difficulties or conflicts 8 How Personality Affects OB a Personality and individual differences impact organizational behavior because of the link between individual differences and individual level work outcomes b Individual Differences On a continuum from relatively fixed towards relatively flexible Intelligence i ii Ability iii Personality iv Core self evaluations 1 Self esteem 2 Self efficacy 3 Locus of control v Emotional stability vi Attitudes vii Emotions c Individual Level Work Outcomes i Job performance ii Job satisfaction iii Turnover iv Organizational citizenship behaviors v Counterproductive work behaviors d Managers should select employees for positions based on factors that are relatively stable intelligence ability i They can then adapt the workplace using a variety of techniques to influence the flexible individual differences to make an impact on individual level work outcomes 9 Cognitive Styles MBTI a Carl G Jung psychologist i Created the theoretical basis for type ii Observed his clients and noted differences b Isabelle Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs i Created the current 4 dichotomies and the MBTI assessment ii Used the indicator with friends family to refine make sense of it and how to make decisions based on it d 4 Preferences i Energy Where do you get energy c People are different in cognitive style i e how to get information how to process it how to 1 Extroversion Wide array of interests enjoy working with lots of people action before reflection think out loud stimulated by outer world 2 Introversion Take a deep interest in a few things enjoy working alone or with small groups reflection before action think before you act stimulated by inner world ii Perception How do you gather information How do you perceive the world around 1 Sensing Appreciate facts and details practical use your 5 senses focus on what 2 Intuition Appreciate possibilities and insights theoretical focus on what is you is real tangible possible future oriented

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UMD BMGT 364 - Individual Differences

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