History of the Holocaust Vichy France the France that was set up during world war two to collaborate with the Germans Marshall Petain is the head of this collaboration He promises to work closely with German occupiers and carry out national revolution o Napoleon emancipates the Jews 1806 o France is where the idea of full Jewish citizenship was first carried out o Prominent French anti Semitic magazine La Libre Parole sending message that Jews want to destroy French culture ideas spread through newspapers and journals 1890s Alfred Dreyfus French Jewish officer in the French Army he was in the army at a time when French people were concerned that French power had hit its peak and was on downturn France was forced to give up small parts of its country to Prussia Dreyfus was framed for being a spy and is brought up in front of all the soldiers and is asked to give up his sword o Intellectuals came forward and start a petition to prove Dreyfus innocence Tradition of liberty and equality and de anti Semitism Rebuilding France o Had to strengthen national position o Fewer French man o Commitment to family so birthrate would go up and families had to teach children a renewed commitment to French values Early 1930s depression o High rate of immigration that characterized France since 1920s o Fleeing poverty and France seemed to be a good opportunity because they needed workers Mid 1930s o Depression hits all of a sudden France is swamped by Jews o Although they were winners in WWI Somehow France lost its way o Crystallization when left wing government joins France Choose Leon Blum as prime minister o Communist socialist etc all joined together o Nationalist conservatives right wing this is horrible for them this is a confirmation of fear that Jews were taking over France May of 1930 o Welcome German victory one of them called it a divine miracle o They were committed to France and French culture but they thought France became so debased and traditions so weak that to solve problem needed a shock and that was what the German occupation could be French fascists gain power o Whether large or small they gain access to power after 1940 in a way they didn t have before the Germans o Effort to mobilize French soldiers o Set up a Militia called the Milice o Seize the opportunity to solve the Jewish problem Spread of anti Semitic propaganda started with Vichy France Important points o French civil servants collaborate with Germans on Anti Jewish measures Ex Maurice Papon the General Secretary in Vichy France he cooperates with the Germans and is responsible for jewish Affairs o Coordinated attempt to find all Jews French police confiscate identity cards for Jews Horrifying for Jews and those who are working illegally o Pass a number of Laws which involved Kicking Jews out of occupations making sure they register businesses made it impossible for Jews to practice medicine o Roundups there are no ghettos but there a curfews and restrictions on where Jews can o 1941 police begin to roundup foreign Jews who cant prove they are a French citizen go they cant change residence either and get sent to detention camps o March 1942 first transportation Jews are required to wear Yellow stars Eichmann determines Auschwitz to be main camp for French Jews o Native Jews Jews whose family lived in France for Generations o A lot of murders taken place at Auschwitz were a result of this collaboration Romania nearly 1 million Jews 1940 Romania had a larger Jewish community than in France More economically developed than France large community Large focus on role Jews play in Roman economy Local shopkeepers or middlemen were probably Jewish As a result Romanians feel Jews dominate their economy and they are an economic problem After WWI Romania is double the size and they want to build a strong Romania Fascism has a strong political presence In Romania There is a fascist party called the iron guard which denounces democracy and parliamentary government In 1941 as Germany is ready to invade the Soviet Union A lot of belief throughout Europe that Germany is unstoppable and they will win o Do you want to be on the side of the winner Or the side of the Loser o Marshal Antonescu is one of the leading figures of the fascist party
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