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Covers Contraceptives Adoption Abortion Childbirth STI s HIV HLTH 471 Final Exam Study Guide Contraception of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned Due to Alcohol Using birth control incorrectly Misinformation about contraception Hormonal birth control works in three ways 1 Ovulation is suppressed synthetic hormones produce an artificial cycle to replace it 2 Thickens cervical mucus 3 Prevents the uterine lining from thickening Birth control pills combination pill Estrogen Progestin combination Perfect use 99 Typical use 91 Birth control pills Progestin only the mini pill Known as the mini pill does not contain estrogen Release a small amount of progestin everyday of the month and doesn t give you a period during a set week like the combination pill does NuvaRing Small bendable ring that you insert into the vagina Leave it in place for three weeks at a time and then take it out for the fourth week Tends to be more expensive than the pill If left in for more than four weeks it is not protecting against pregnancy Withdrawal The more significant finding however was that most pre ejaculate samples did not contain any sperm and those that did only had small clumps of a very small amount of sperm which seemed to be immobile Perfect use 96 Typical Use 78 IUD Intrauterine device Paraguard Made of plastic and copper Hormone free Does not alter periods Can stay in for up to 12 years Mirena Plastic IUD releases a small amount of the synthetic hormone progestin to help your body keep sperm from reaching your Lasts up to 7 years and may give you lighter periods cervix Perfect use 99 Typical use 99 Implant Effective for up to 3 years Placed in the upper arm Return to fertility within 2 months Perfect use 99 Typical use 99 Choice Project Washington University in St Louis Enrolled 9 000 women and provided free contraception Monitored use satisfaction and pregnancy rates LARC Long acting reversible contraception Over time less expensive saves time and it is invisible discrete Independent of user motivation and adherence human error and sex Extremely effective Reversible Includes IUDs and implants Emergency contraceptive ella plan B next choice paraguard IUD Prevents pregnancy by delaying and inhibiting ovulation and fertilization Higher dose of hormones Makes sure that an egg isn t released Yuzpe Method Use of extra birth control pills to be able to take a few at a time this should only be used if you have extra birth control packs or it will throw off your cycle Good for people who are younger than 17 or people that can t afford Plan B Only use your own birth control Emergency Contraceptive Side Effects Similar and strong PMS symptoms next period may be heavier With an established pregnancy people with heart conditions blood clots or certain cancers may not be able to use emergency contraception because of their already increased risks Does Emergency Contraception cause birth defects If the sperm and egg have implanted already No there really is no increased risk If a person has an established pregnancy emergency contraception won t affect anything Repeated use of Emergency Contraception Not appropriate for use as regular contraception because of the higher risk of failure compared to modern contraception Frequent use of emergency contraception results in more side effects such as menstrual irregularities Repeated use poses no known health risks Where and cost Online ordering overnight shipping 77 Pharmacy with no insurance 65 Pharmacy with insurance copay get prescription from GYN Family planning clinics 10 20 Public health clinics 10 Adoption Effective options counseling Reduce anxiety so that the pregnant woman can concentrate on the decisions she has to make Create a safe environment in which she can discuss her hopes and fears about her decision Impart knowledge and facts about the various options and their implications Identify the woman s strengths and support systems Clarify her choices and her feelings about her choices Help her make the decision that is right for her Help her accept responsibility for her decision Help her act on her decision with referrals as needed and support her decision Where can someone get options counseling Family Planning Clinic Planned Parenthood Hotlines National Abortion Federation Crisis Pregnancy Centers Health Care Provider Adoption As recently as 50 years ago 95 of unmarried and pregnant teenagers who gave birth placed their babies for adoption Today the figure is less than 5 Types of Adoption Closed Open Foster Care Kinship Care Closed Adoption Records about the birth parent are sealed sometimes forever and sometimes until a child is a certain age or seeks information through court actions to unseal the records Open Adoption Birth parents and adopted parents have a relationship that they establish Birth parents choose the family that will raise their child Both sets of parents meet and talk agreeing to some type of ongoing contract Birth Parent s Rights Legal rights differ depending on the type of adoption Fathers must give permission for adoption If the father is not available his parental rights may be terminated but only after a court hearing The birth mother must tell the court agency or attorney who the child s father is but she doesn t have to tell anyone else Abortion Guttmacher Institute Video 1 3 of women will have an abortion by age 45 Most women that are having abortions are in their 20 s Abortion Statistics 1 3 of women will have an abortion by age 45 Less than 2 10 are teens 6 10 already have children Biggest age demographic is 20 s When do women have abortions 80 of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy Abortion before 1973 Criminalization of abortion did not reduce the numbers of women who sought abortion Many women died or suffered serious medical problems after attempting to self induce their abortions or going to untrained practitioners who performed abortions with primitive methods or unsanitary conditions Legal illegal by state 1970 Title X 10 Funding Abortion Title X provides federal funding for Gynecological exams and basic lab tests STI breast cancer cervical cancer high blood pressure and anemia screening Contraceptive information and services pregnancy testing and community research No Title X funds can be used for abortion or help women seek abortions 1973 Roe v Wade Protected a woman s right to have an abortion in the 1st trimester The Supreme Court ruled that women in consultation with their

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UMD HLTH 471 - Contraception

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