1 Adverse opposed 2 Alacrity speed promptness with response willingness 3 Amicable friendly harmonious 4 Anathema Hated individual bad thing strongly disliked 5 Ascend lower rank to upper rank to go up 6 Astute precise on top of their game crafty wise 7 Avid eager vigorous 8 Bagatelle child s play non issue 9 Banal lacking in originality flat nothing new 10 Bedlam chaos confusion place or scene of uproar 11 Besmirch to stain to dirty to blacken like a reputation 12 Bevy a large collection large group 13 Bona fide real sincere genuine made in good faith 14 Burgeon to sprout to bloom flourish grow 15 Cognizant knowledgeable through experience 16 Corroborate to support with evidence to confirm 17 Desist End operation stop 18 Diatribe rant abusive speech go on tirade 19 Doleful sad cheerless heartbroken 20 Dregs at the bottom people at the bottom 21 Duress compulsion by threat 22 Effigy hated person representation of a hated person 23 Egregious flagrant glaring obvious nobody could miss it remarkably bad 24 Emaciated physically wasted away thin 25 Eschew not hitting the point but getting around it to avoid dodge 26 Euphemism exaggeration agreeable inoffensive expression to replace an offensive one Something that sounds good about something bad sugarcoated 27 Exacerbate to make things worse or complicate 28 Expunge to wipe out erase clean up to erase a record 29 Flinty tough stern unyielding 30 Forthwith immediately without delay 31 Furtive sneaky shady stealth secretive usually because they re guilty 32 Gesticulate moving your hands to make gestures when you speak 33 Harbinger Omen foreshadow foretells shows what s coming 34 Haven euphoria a safe place a sanctuary or refuge 35 Histrionics deliberate display of emotion for effect drama melodrama exaggerated overly emotional behavior 36 Imminent hanging there ready to take place eminent respected noted famous About to start close in time 37 Implacable can t be satisfied can t get them to change stuck in that position 38 Implore to beg to plead pray for earnestly 39 Importune to harass or pepper with request 40 Impunity acting above the law without caring or punishment rules don t apply 41 Inane silly makes no sense foolish mindless 42 Inchoate only partly in existence guilty of solicitation attempted murder conspiracy 43 Incipient Beginning starting coming into existence 44 Incisive quick and direct intelligently analytical precise 45 Indigent poor impoverished destitute no money 46 Inert inactive unable to move or act sluggish 47 Inundate to overwhelm someone 48 Inveigh to rail against someone or something to bitterly attack with words 49 Jaunty stylish dapper showy self confidence comes across in attire 50 Loathe to hate to detest 51 Lurid shocking sensational scandalous 52 Meticulous detail oriented precise 53 Mundane dull boring ordinary tedious profane 54 Nefarious evil wicked 55 Nuance subtle things easy to miss fine detail subtle detail read between the lines 56 Obviate to bypass a requirement to anticipate an event new medical treatment obviates need for surgery 57 Overt Open not a secret in plain view 58 Paucity Few in number scarcity 59 Perfunctory Routine little care robotic 60 Pernicious bad effect causing much harm deadly advertising 61 Peruse to search to examine with care to scrutinize 62 Phlegmatic Sluggish not easily excited to action unemotional 63 Plethora an abundance cornucopia 64 Poignant incisive penetrating touches the heart affecting 65 Precipitate to hasten to make something happen abruptly 66 Premise stated or assumed supposition 67 Privation state of being deprived poor 68 Propitious favorable or advantageous good chance of success 69 Pugnacious pugilist is a boxer aggressive hostile combative 70 Raze to destroy demolish level to the ground 71 Remuneration payment compensation salary 72 Replete full of abundant 73 Repudiate reject as untrue to disown to refuse to have anything to do with dropping something like a hot brick 74 Reticent Reluctant to be hesitant to be silent 75 Sally to burst forth or rush ahead 76 Sanguine optimistic or cheerful sangria 77 Sinecure an office that requires little work
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