A The Fog Zone How Misperceptions Magical Thinking and Ambivalence Put Young Adults at Risk for Unplanned Pregnancy a Why the gaps between intention and behavior B Contraceptives a Hormonal Birth Control works in 3 ways i Ovulation is suppressed synthetic hormones produce as artificial cycle to replace it ii Thickens cervical mucus iii Prevents the uterine lining from thickening b Birth Control Pills combination i Estrogen progestin combo c Birth Control Pills Progestin Only i Known as the mini pill do not contain estrogen ii Release a small amount of progestin everyday of the month and don t give you a period during a set week i Small bendable ring that you insert into vagina ii Leave in it place for three weeks at a time then take it out for d NuvaRing the fourth week iii More expensive e Withdrawal i f IUD i Paraguard The most significant finding however was that most pre ejaculate samples did not contain any sperm and those that did had only small clumps of a very small amount of sperm which seemed to be immobile 1 Made of plastic and a small amount of natural safe copper 2 100 hormone free 3 Doesn t alter periods 4 It can stay inside up to 12 years ii Mirena 1 Plastic IUD releases a small amount of the synthetic hormone progestin to help your body keep sperm from reaching your cervix 2 Lasts up to 7 years and may give you lighter periods g Implant i Effective for up to 3 years ii Placed in upper arm iii Return to fertility within 2 months h Choice Project i Washington University in St Louis ii Enrolled over 9 000 women and provided free contraceptives iii Monitored their use satisfaction and pregnancy i Choice Project Results i Women using LARC and DEPO had the lowest unintended pregnancy rate at 1 2 and 3 years of follow up Pill ring and patch users had much higher unintended pregnancy rate more than 16 times higher than LARC users in 1 year ii all pregnancies in the US are unintended j What are the benefits of Long acting Reversible Contraceptives i Benefit 1 Overtime less expensive 2 Use is independent from user motivation user appearance no human error sex Invisible discrete 3 4 Effective typical and perfect use are the same 5 Saving time and money because don t need to go back to provider pharmacy 6 Reversible ii Negatives 1 No std protection k How does emergency contraception i Emergency contraceptive prevent pregnancy primarily or perhaps exclusively by delaying or inhibiting ovulation and inhibiting fertilization ii Ella Plan Next Choice Paraguard IUD l Yuzpe Methold m What are the side effects of EC i The side effects of EC when any are present are similar to strong PMS symptoms ii Women with an established pregnancy heart conditions blood clots or certain cancers may not be able to use emergency contraception n Does use of EC cause birth defects i Accidental use of EC during pregnancy will not cause birth defects ii Numerous studies for risk of birth defects during regular use of oral contraceptives including order higher dose pills found no increased risk o What about repeated use of EC i Emergency contraceptives are not appropriate for regular use as an ongoing contraceptive method because of the higher possibility of failure compared to modern contraceptives ii Frequency use of emergency contraception would result in more side effects such as menstrual irregularities iii Repeated use poses no known health risks C Options Counseling and Adoption a Effective options counseling i Reduce anxiety so that the pregnant woman can concentrate on the decisions she has to make ii Create a safe environment in which she can discuss her hopes iii and fears about her decision Impact knowledge and facts about the various options and their implications iv Identify the woman s strengths and support systems v Clarify her choices and her feelings about her choices vi Help her make the decision that is right for her vii Help her accept responsibility for her decision viii Help her act on her decision with referrals as needed and support her decision b Where can someone get options i Family planning clinic 1 Planned parenthood ii Hotlines 1 National abortion Federation iii Crisis pregnancy centers iv Health care provider c Adoption ii What caused the shift d Types of Adoption i Closed ii Open Foster Care iii iv Kinship Care e Closed Adoption i As recently as 50 years ago 95 of unmarried and pregnancy teenagers who gave birth placed their babies for adoption Today the figure is less than 5 i Records about the birth parents are sealed sometimes forever and sometimes until a child is a certain age or seeks information through court actions to unseal records f Open Adoption they establish i Birth parents and adopted parents have a relationship that ii Birth parents choose the family that will raise their child iii Both sets of parents meet and talk agreeing to some type of ongoing contact g Abortion i Why do women have abortions 1 Having a child would interfere with a woman s education work or ability to care for dependents 74 2 Could not afford a baby now 73 3 Did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems 48 4 Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing 5 Almost one third were not ready to have a child 6 Fewer than 1 said their parents or partners desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason 7 Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents ii Abortion Procedures 1 First trimester Surgical Abortion 2 Second trimester Surgical Abortion 3 Medical Abortion a Mifepristone RU 486 b Methotrexate iii First Trimester Surgical Abortion 1 Before 14 weeks gestation 2 Outpatient surgery with local anesthesia 3 Woman lies on examining table feet in stirrups 4 Speculum is placed in the vagina cervix is anesthetized and dilation rods open the cervix 5 A canola that is attached to a vacuum aspirator is put into the cervix the content of the uterus is emptied 6 Takes 4 6 minutes with a few hour stay after 7 After she needs to rest bleeding and cramping is likely iv Second Trimester Surgical Abortion 1 Between 14 21 weeks 2 11 of abortions 3 Reasons for a late abortion a Medical complications b Fetal deformity c Divorce marital problems d Miscalculation of due date e Financial or geographic problems v Medical Abortion 1 Mifeprinston RU 486 a Blocks progesterone which is necessary to sustain pregnancy 2 Methotrexate 3
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