Chapter 10 Value of Motivation motivation Frederick Taylor Engagement level of motivation passion and commitment Intrinsic rewards personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and complete goals type of motivation Extrinsic rewards something given to you as recognition of good work type of Goal increase worker productivity to benefit firm and workers Scientific management studying workers to find the most efficient ways of doing things and then teaching people those techniques Time method and rules of work are important Time motion study studies in which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task He believed that workers would perform at a high level if they receive enough pay People were machines that needed to be properly programmed Henry L Gantt Charts by which managers plotted the work of employees Principle of motion theory that every job can be broken down into a series of elementary motions analyzed each motion to make it more efficient Elton May and Hawthorne Studies Experiment of light vs productivity Hawthorne effect tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied Also learned that pay is no the only motivator Motivation and Maslow s Hierarchy Psychological needs basic survival needs Safety needs feel secure at work and home Social needs the need to feel loved and part of a group Esteem needs recognition and acknowledgement Self actualization needs develop to fullest potential When one need is satisfied a higher one emerges Herzberg s Motivating Factors enthusiastic work effort Of all factors controllable by managers which are most effective in generating an Sense of achievement earned recognition interest in the work itself opportunity for growth opportunity for advancement importance of responsibility peer and group relationships pay supervisor s fairness company policies and rules status job security supervisor s friendliness and working conditions Motivators job factors that cause employees to be productive and that give them satisfaction Hygiene maintenance factors job factors that can cause dissatisfaction if missing but do not necessarily motivate employees if increased Best way make their jobs interested help them achieve their objectives and recognize their achievement through advancement and added responsibility Theory X Average person dislikes work Because of dislike they must be forced controlled directed and threatened Prefer to be directed and avoid responsibility Primary motivators are fear and money Theory Y Theory Z Most people like work Work towards goals to which they are committed Depth of commitment to goals depends on the perceived rewards for achieving them Accept and seek responsibility People are motivated by a variety of rewards unique to the individual Intellectual potential is only partially realized Type J lifetime employment consensual decision making collective responsibility slow evaluation implied control mechanisms non specialized career paths and holistic concern for employees Type A short term employment individual decision making individual responsibility rapid evaluation explicit control mechanisms specialized career paths HYBRID long term employment collective decision making individual responsibility slow evaluation and promotion moderately specialized career paths and holistic concern for employees Goal Setting Theory and Management by Objectives Goal setting theory idea that setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate employees and improve performance if the goals are accepted accomplished by feedback and facilitated by organizational conditions Management by objective a system of goal setting and implementation it involves a cycle of discussion review and evaluation of objectives among top and middle level managers supervisors and employees effective in stable situations Expectancy Theory Victor Vroom s theory that the amount of effort employees exert on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome Can I accomplish What s my reward Is the reward worth the effort 5 steps to improve performance determine what rewards employees value determine desired performance standard ensure that standards are attainable guarantee rewards tied to performance and be certain that employees consider the rewards adequate Positive and negative reinforcers motivate a person to behave in certain ways individuals act to receive rewards and avoid punishment The idea that employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs compared to Reinforcement Theory Equity Theory others in similar positions Motivating through job enrichment Job enrichment a motivational strategy that emphasizes motivating the worker though the job itself Five characteristics important in motivation and performance skill variety task identity task significance autonomy and feedback Job enlargement combines a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment Job rotation a job enrichment strategy that involves moving employees from job to another the problem here is that you need to train employees to do several different operations BUT it offsets costs Motivating through open communication Create organizational culture that rewards listening Train supervisors and mangers to listen Use effective questioning techniques Remove barriers to open communication Avoid vague and ambiguous communication Make it easy to communicate Ask employees what is important to them Applying open communication in self managed teams To implement managers at most companies must reinvent work Respecting workers providing interesting work developing workers skills allowing autonomy decentralizing authority and rewarding good work Recognizing a job well done Sending family to Disney Sundae surprise Media perks Nice meal Golden bandana Parking spots Vacation days Flexible schedules Motivating employees across the globe focusing on tasks divers attention from the task Motivating employees across generations security High context culture workers build personal relationships and develop group trust before Low context culture workers often view relationship building as a waste of time that Baby boomers need to be flexible managers want economic security by focusing on job Gen X Focus on career security and will change jobs to find it well equipped and motivational managers understand that there is more to life than work focus on results vs hours in workplace broader terms of thought because of
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