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Answer d Reference Costs of Quality Difficulty Moderate Keywords rework cost Answer b Reference Costs of Quality Difficulty Moderate Keywords yield loss scrap cost Chapter 5 A cost that is incurred if some aspect of a service must be performed again is called a n a yield loss b prevention cost c appraisal cost d rework cost Chapter 5 When errors have been made while producing a product such that the item must be discarded the resultant cost is called a n a warranty b scrap cost c rework cost d external failure cost Chapter 5 Which one of the following is part of prevention costs a The costs of quality audits b The costs resulting from scrap c The costs of improving process design and product design d The costs of lawsuits from injury from use of the product Chapter 5 Quality at the source implies a less expensive raw materials b lower scrap c higher rework costs d more final test inspectors Chapter 5 Which one of the following statements is a key feature of both TQM and Six Sigma a Quality is primarily the responsibility of all employees in the organization b Quality is primarily the responsibility of the quality control department c Quality is primarily the responsibility of the production department d Quality is primarily the responsibility of top management Chapter 5 A firm s internal program in employee involvement includes which of the following considerations a Defining who is the customer b Supplier management c Product availability d Psychological impressions Chapter 5 Which one of the following statements about total quality management TQM is TRUE a Total quality management reduces the external failure costs but not the internal failure costs b Total quality management reduces the internal failure costs but not the external failure costs c Total quality management means inspectors are responsible for finding out who makes the defects d In total quality management workers have the authority to stop a production line if they see quality problems Chapter 5 As an operations manager which definition of quality do you have the most control over a Conformance to specifications b Support c Psychological impressions d Value Answer c Reference Costs of Quality Difficulty Hard Keywords prevention cost Answer b Reference Total Quality Management Difficulty Hard Keywords quality at the source TQM Answer a Reference Total Quality Management Six Sigma Difficulty Moderate Keywords TQM total quality management Six Sigma Answer a Reference Total Quality Management Difficulty Easy Keywords TQM total quality management defining the customer Answer d Reference Total Quality Management Difficulty Moderate Keywords TQM total quality management authority to stop line Answer a Reference Total Quality Management Difficulty Moderate Keywords quality conformance Answer c Reference Total Quality Management Six Sigma Difficulty Moderate Keywords TQM total quality management Six Sigma Answer a Reference Total Quality Management Difficulty Easy Keywords TQM culture total quality management defining the customer Chapter 5 The implementation of a total quality management program or a Six Sigma program will most likely result in a an increase in product lead times b a decrease in employee involvement c an increase in communication between workers d an increase in work in process inventory Chapter 5 One of the main challenges in developing the proper culture for TQM is to a define customer for each employee b suspend reward systems based on quantity c institute an equitable employee recognition program d get buy in from the customer Chapter 5 A firm that has embraced the notion of quality at the source is more likely to have a an inspector at each workstation working alongside each employee b inspectors at each of their suppliers performing 100 inspection on shipments bound for them c multiple inspectors at the end of the line to make sure no defects are passed along to the customer d no inspectors Chapter 5 Continuous improvement is a philosophy that a uses problem solving techniques within work teams b ensures there are plenty of quality inspectors to find areas for improvement c waits until a big problem occurs then systematically solves it d encourages the hiring of statistical process control specialists to reduce the need for current employees to learn statistical methods Chapter 5 What is one reason that Six Sigma is more difficult to apply to service processes a There is no manual that suggests how Six Sigma can be applied to services b The work product is more difficult to see c There is no way to measure process capability of a service product d The National Six Sigma Society cautions against using it for services Chapter 5 23 Which step of the Six Sigma DMAIC procedure uses flowcharts and process charts to identify gaps between the characteristics of a process s output important to the customer and the process s capabilities a Define b Measure c Analyze d Improve e Control Chapter 5 During which step of the Six Sigma DMAIC procedure are current processes modified or redesigned to meet new performance objectives a Define b Measure c Analyze d Improve e Control Chapter 5 Which step of the Six Sigma DMAIC procedure involves identifying data sources and preparing a data collection plan a Define b Measure c Analyze d Improve e Control Answer d Reference Total Quality Management Difficulty Moderate Keywords TQM quality at the source inspectors Answer a Reference Total Quality Management Difficulty Moderate Keywords continuous improvement TQM Answer b Reference Six Sigma Difficulty Moderate Keywords Six Sigma service processes Answer a Reference Six Sigma Difficulty Moderate Keywords Six Sigma improvement model DMAIC Answer d Reference Six Sigma Difficulty Easy Keywords Six Sigma improvement model DMAIC Answer b Reference Six Sigma Difficulty Easy Keywords Six Sigma improvement model DMAIC Chapter 5 Six sigma teacher can attain different level titles based on their experience and level of achievement What is the highest level a Six Sigma teacher can reach a Black Belt b Green Belt c Master Black Belt d Master Green Belt Chapter 5 Which of the following would be a common cause of variation a Random sources b A machine in need of repair c An untrained worker d A defective raw material Chapter 5 Which one of the following statements is TRUE a No two products are exactly alike because the processes that produce them contain many sources of variation even if the process is a machine b With due diligence

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OSU BUSMGT 3230 - Notes

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