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Women s Health 01 27 2012 TIMELINE 1848 First women s right convention held 1870s First training schools for nurses open 1916 First Birth Control clinic was established by Margaret Stangor Plan Parenthood origins 1920 Women gain the right to vote political power 1940s The number of women employed in the US increased 50 percent during this decade because of WWII women had to step up and take the jobs of men Men came back and encouraged all the woman to leave the workforce 1950s Kinsey Report on human sexuality was published something was published about sex for the first time personal interviews found that most people had premarital sex 1960s FDA approves the birth control pill allows women to control their fertility with growth in the women s movement 1970 Our Bodies Ourselves published women felt that they didn t have control over what was happening to their body with medicine and pregnancies this changed that So they could make their own decisions about their own health 1973 Roe vs Wade supreme court wanted to legalize abortion in the U S federal level abortion has to be legal 1984 Global Gag Rule implemented a restriction which forbids US government funds being given to organizations or countries which recommend permit or perform abortions 1993 NIH Revitalization Act required that women and minorities be included as research subjects Health Care Reform 2010 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is passed The What is Public Health Healthiest nation in one generation Health Education Efforts to improve people s knowledge and awareness about health Can focus on teaching individuals communities or populations Can cover any health related topic Health Promotion Focuses on getting people to change their behavior Deals with lifestyle and chronic disease factors Includes health education and policies Prevention 1 Primary prevention prevention of disease or injury by reducing exposure to a risk factor that may lead to disease or injury vaccination helmet condoms proactive 2 Secondary prevention early detection and prompt treatment of disease breast cancer screening symptoms of Chlamydia reactive 3 Tertiary prevention takes place once a disease has advanced involves alleviating pain providing comfort halting progression of an illness and limiting disability that may result from a disease chemotherapy still keeping quality of life reactive Prevalence Total number of people affected by a given condition at a point in time or Prevalence number of existing cases of a disease at a given point in during a period of time time total population at risk Incidence New cases of a condition that occur during a specified period of time Incidence number of new cases of a disease during a given period of time total population at risk Incidence of death in a given population during a particular time period It is calculated by dividing the number of deaths in a population by the Mortality rate number of deaths in a population at a given time total Mortality Rate total population population What determines health outcome Biology genetics Social environment SES Health behavior lifestyle education Built environment clean water air Access to medical care Total ecology Health of Woman Around the World 01 27 2012 What are the major behavioral and environmental risk factors that contribute to death and disease worldwide Underweight Unsafe sex High blood pressure Tobacco consumption Alcohol consumption Unsafe water sanitation hygiene Iron deficiency Indoor smoke from sold fuels High cholesterol Obesity Paying for Health Care 01 27 2012 U S A health care is the most expensive health care BY FAR Largest growth in total health expenditure per capita Health Care costs in 2008 in the United states Largely hospital care and physician clinical services U S costs are higher because of Use of technology Prescription drugs Chronic disease Aging of the population Administrative costs Third Party System Health care providers Payers insurers Employees Patients Definitions Premium monthly payment to health insurance company for ESI this cost is split between employer and employee Benefits covered services by health insurance companies Co Insurance set percentage that patients must pay as part of their health care costs usually 10 20 percent Co Payments fixed amount of money patient is required to pay to receive health care services office visits prescriptions etc Deductible amount that a person must pay out of the pocket before health benefit kicks in Benefit cap limit to the amount of money a health insurance company Network defined group or providers that health insurance company will allow patients to see if patients see an out of network provider costs go Referral authorization from Primary Care Physician to seek specialist will pay up significantly care Types of Insurance Private Insurance Individual Coverage Employer Sponsored HMO PPO HDHP Public Insurance Medicare we take CARE of old people Medicaid give AID to people of low income Tricare military Individual insurance 6 8 Health Insurance Coverage of Non Elderly Americans Employer sponsored health insurance own 31 9 Employer sponsored health insurance dependent 30 3 Medicare 2 5 Medicaid 13 4 Tricare 2 7 Uninsured 17 9 HMO HMO Health Maintenance Organization Managed care plan Patients pay the same premium every month Co payments and deductibles low Primary care physician at gatekeeper Need referrals for specialist care Usually cheapest option for ESI Out of network care is much more expensive relatively healthy but want to keep their costs low HDHP HDHP High Deductible Health Plan Usually paired with a Health Savings Account High deductible Gives patients flexibility and choice over how health care benefits are used Better choice for people with no health issues and who have enough money available to meet the cost of the deductible PPO PPO Preferred Provider Organization Managed care plan No referrals Out of network care is more expensive Deductibles and co payments low If a patient has ongoing health issues where they will need referrals often good for someone with ongoing health issues or convenience or PPO can be a better choice necessity more money Individual Coverage Can be very expensive costs can vary depending on health history Patients can be denied coverage due to pre existing conditions If ESI is not available individuals seek coverage on their own Uninsured 45 7 Million Americans are uninsured more likely to have poorer health at significant

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UMD HLTH 471 - Women’s Health

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