BMGT 364 MIDTERM REVIEW Introduction to Organizational Behavior Session 2 Chapter 1 What is an organization A consciously organized social unit Composed of two or more people Functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals Organizations as an open system General Types of Organizations Formal official legitimate and visible Informal unofficial less visible o Hawthorne studies conducted in 20s and 30s and concerned with importance of informal organizations Formal and informal elements of an organization can sometimes conflict The process of organization creates organizations Systems perspective useful for studying organizational dynamics ex entrepreneurship and change Tied closely to creation and application of new technologies We study organizations at different levels Highest level the organization is society itself Smallest level the organization is the group Why do we need organizations Need for efficiency in the face of challenges and opportunities Organization is fundamental to human adaptation Specialization is key to modern economic enterprise Complex organizations require management to operate In class discussion Google What makes Google employees so happy and motivated What would be potential challenges of managing people at Google Organizational Behavior is the key to Mastering objective knowledge developing specific skills and the application of that knowledge Successful management Successful leadership Successful organizations and skills Today s strategic differentiator enlightened management People skills are crucial for Managing o Planning budgeting 1 o Organizing staffing o Controlling directing problem solving Leading o Setting direction for the organization o Communicating to align people with that direction o Motivating people to action Increasing competition Challenges and Opportunities of OB Globalization Customer focus on high quality Workforce diversity Need for flexibility and adaptability o Learning organizations o Employees who are agile learners key competency Evidence based management The attitude of wisdom knowing what you know and knowing what you don t know Being committed to fact based and evidence based action Running experiments and learning from the data Knowing what the theory and evidence is and using it in formulating decisions and policies Example Harrah s conventional wisdom in the gaming industry o High rollers are an important source of profits o Free rooms are a great way of attracting customers o Building beautiful edifices with convention and meeting space is a good way to attract o It is important to make casinos and their associated hotels more family friendly to business draw business Scientific Management o Data driven o Rigorous analytic methods replicable ideally quantifiable o Application of technology Scientific Grounding o Scientific method basis for prediction and management o Scientific process iterative empirical and theoretical relevance Perception and Perceptual Devices Session 3 Chapter 3 pg 46 53 Human Perception What is it Perception is a process by which individuals organize their sensory inputs in order to give meaning to their environments Social Perception process of interpreting information about another person Depends on o Characteristics of perceiver o Characteristics of target o Characteristics of situation Human perception is a fundamental information reduction devise that enables us to effectively handle our complex environment Let me give you some examples 2 Perceptual Devices Selective Perception tendency to infer information which supports our viewpoints o Ex We pay attention to information selectively rather than paying attention to all information equally This phenomenon is called selective attention For example when you are hungry McDonald sign may appear to you more often than usual First Impression Error Primacy Effect using limited information obtained in first encounter to infer what a person is really like Schema Scripts categorizations and descriptions of the characteristic features of people situations etc o Schemas one of the most powerful data reduction devices When people process similar information over and over again human brain develops and restores a sophisticated mental map called schema Schemas are categorizations and descriptions of the characteristic features of people situations or objects Ex Once you have developed schemes for a certain domain like automobile you don t have to study all the details of each car Whenever you see a car you automatically know what kind of features the car may have depending on which category the car belongs to o Script a special kind of schema that is about a sequence of events Scripts provide a mental representation of the events that guide or behavior Ex When you go to new area you need to really pay attention to the direction but when you repeat the actions over and over again the sequence of events is stored in your brain as a script hard to deviate from a script Self Fulfilling Prophecy Pygmalion effect provoking the response we expect in other people Projection False Consensus Effect assuming that our beliefs and values are commonly help and normative overestimation of commonality o Ex When managers give assignments to their subordinates this often happens I can do this so you can do this I love this so you will love this Halo Effect drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic can be positive or negative o Ex Suppose that you are a human resource manager selecting new employees You have to judge based on several objective criteria but not physical appearance however physical appearance can bias your judgment Contrast Effect your evaluation of people is affected by comparisons with other recently encountered people o Ex In any kind of competition music or art none of you may want to perform behind an extremely good performer Attributions explaining causes of behavior specification of the perceived causes of events o Ex We consciously or unconsciously attribute causes reasons for events o Self serving bias if failure situation responsible if success self responsible o Differences between achievement and failure oriented individuals Mental Models implicit generalizations simplifications or theories about the world o Powerful in influencing how we see decide act and thus our behavior o Problematic when Outdated no longer match reality Left unexamined cannot be openly
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