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Heart Vocabulary Angina pectoris chest paid due to ischemia of heart muscles Auricle atrium Auscultation listening to the internal sounds of the body Baroreceptors sensors in blood vessels that detect blood pressure Chemoreceptors sensory receptor that transduces a chemical signal to an action potential Chordae tendineae tendons connecting papillary muscles to tricuspid and bicuspid in the heart Desmosomes cellular structure that specializes in cell to cell adhesion Diastole period of time where heart is relaxing after systole Electrocardiogram thoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over time Endocarditis inflammation of the inside membranes of heart in chambers and valves Fossa Ovalis depression from remenant foramen ovale Frank starling Law of the Heart stroke volume of the heart increases in response to and increase of blood volume in the heart Gap Junctions intercellular connections that allows free passing of ions and cytoplasm Hypoxia body tissue deprived of oxygen Intercalated Discs idouble membrane connecting cardiac muscle fibers Isovolumetric contraction during a systole when the ventricles contract with no corresponding volume change Isovolumetric relaxation ventricles relax in diastole without changing volume Ligamentum Arteriosum ligament attaching pulmonary trunk to aortic arch vestige of ductus arteriosus Mediastinum cavity above heart and between lungs Myocardial infarction heart attack where blood flow is blocked to part of heart Myocardial ischemia imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand Myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle Pacemaker heart electrical impulse generator Papillary Muscles muscles in heart attached to the chordae tendineae to open and close AV valves Pericarditis sac like covering of heart is inflammed Proprioceptors neuromuscular receptors involved in movement Heart Vocabulary Refactory Period period time in which an organ is incapable of repeating particular action Systole contraction of the heart Trabeculae Carneae muscular columns that line heart chambers

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UMD BSCI 202 - Heart Vocabulary

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