Blood Vessel Vocab Aldosterone steroid hormone that causes the conservation of sodium and water and the secretion of potassium Anastomotic veins superficial cerebral veins crossing center Angiotensin II peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and increases blood pressure Antidiuretic hormone increases retention of water Atrial Natriuretic peptide powerful vasodialator secreted by heart muscle cells to reduce high blood pressure Baroreceptors pressure receptors in blood vessels and capillaries BCOP blood colloid osmotic pressure osmotic pressure exerted by proteins in blood plasma to pull water into circulatory system a vessel BHP blood hydrostatic pressure the pressure in the circulatory system exerted by the blood in Bulk Flow passive process where large numbers of ions molecules or particles move in the same direction from high pressure to low pressure Chemoreceptors chemical receptors that respond to chemical signals Continuous Capillaries endothelial cells lining capillary are uninterrupted and only allow small molecules to pass Diastolic Blood Pressure blood pressure between contractions resting End Artery artery that is the only supply of oxygenated blood to a portion of tissue Fenestrated Capillaries endothelial cells have pores to allow diffusion of proteins and small Filtration moving stuff out of the capillaries IFHP interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure interstitial fluid pressure to move from high to low molecules pressure IFOP interstitial fluid osmotic pressure pulling pressure from interstitial fluid on water because of a larger amount of solutes Lumen the inner opening of an artery Portal System system of veins supplying and organ Proprioceptors body motion sensing receptors Reabsorption moving stuff into capillaries Precapillary Sphincter band of smooth muscle that adjusts blood flow into each capillary Blood Vessel Vocab Renin enzyme that regulates extracellular volume and vasoconstriction Resistance the friction against blood in the blood vessels Shock lack of oxygen leading to life threatening body systems shutting down Sinusoids fenestrated capillaries with high permeability Syncope fainting Systolic Blood pressure blood pressure during contraction Valves blood flow regulators Vasa Vasorum small blood vessels that supply large vessels Vascular Sinus oxygenated blood receiving sinus cavity
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