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BMGT364 Final Study Guide 05 08 2012 BMGT 364 Management Organization Theory Study Guide Exam 3 Sessions 15 16 Everest Debrief covered in Session 19 HR Part 1 Goal asymmetry Common information effect information shared by more members has more impact on team judgments than unique information regardless of how varied unique information is Groups usually spend too little time discussing unshared unique information and focus on shared information Psychological safety leader effectiveness fair process greater team effectiveness Challenge in teams is to blend and optimize information and goal asymmetries Leaders play crucial role set tone and focus for what information is and isn t shared Leaders and teams learn to be effective through how they respond to challenges and feedback How teams manage incomplete conflicting ambiguous information can determine their success In the real world you can t know all of the details but you still need to take action Team Whole Foods won 68 of teams reached goal Sessions 19 20 Human Resources Winning ways Jack Welch explains why he s a longtime champion of HR Started business himself changed HR practices HR is developing relationships knowing people making sure they re treated fairly Your job is to be sure that great team leadership is built and you re responsible for ensuring that managers are appraising people HR professionals should build trust so that employees trust them to vent talk and also the boss has to trust the HR person that they have the company s best interest Great HR people are both pastors and parents listen like pastor but tell is straight like a parent HR has to make sure that as companies downsize people are treated fairly performance management system The new science of Hiring Inc Magazine Conventional job interviews don t work New 3 step approach 1 Behavioral interviewing candidates answer tough questions about how they ve handled specific assignments and problems 2 Cognitive and personality tests 3 Asking candidates to do tasks like the ones that they d do on the job give results to candidate helpful for them to explain themselves Forced ranking and age related discrimination Human Resources Part 1 05 08 2012 Sessions 19 20 Human Resources Achieving a sustainable competitive advantage your workforce ideas attitudes behaviors may be one of the only things competitor s can t copy What is strategic human resource management 1 Knowledge skills abilities and other characteristics KSAOs of the people who make up an organization 2 Practices and policies an organization utilizes to manage people Strategic human resource management the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals Jack Welch GE success factors people product and profits getting the right people is more important than strategy elevate HR to a position of power companies need differentiation The Vital 70 work adequately The Top 20 The bottom 10 should be fired belief that talent is a core strategic source HR professionals are respected partners end of spectrum towards strategic HR line managers are responsible and accountable for people development integrated management development system HR reports to CFO cost centered Horizontal integration integrates all forms of HR different HR practices communicate with each other analysis of work HR planning recruiting and retention selection training and development performance management compensation and rewards employee relations competitive advantage Employee discrimination 1 Disparate intentional discrimination 2 Adverse unintentional discrimination make sure its job related A F marketing to good looking people discriminated against women and minorities Job Analysis getting detailed information about jobs Job descriptions tasks duties responsibilities teach research service Job specifications KSAOs degree other specifications Strategic importance of Job Analysis Restructuring Merger Acquisition Recruitment Selection Training and Career Development Performance Appraisal Job Evaluation Recruiting when using multiple sources increased diversity increased pre hire knowledge about position reduced turnover rates leverage employee referrals be sure to search internally before externally Reference Checks background verification verify information on applications and resumes is accurate employers can hire outside investigators or personally contact prior employees Negligent hiring employers have a legal duty to not hire unfit persons Defamation current or former employees can be sued by former employees if they provide false information to prospective new employers Interview Flaws unstructured interviews are not reliable or valid lack of interviewer training leads to biased evaluations Interviewers make many common errors overweight negative information ask questions that can be easily deciphered to figure out the right answer ask questions that are not job related fall prey to interviewees who are good impression managers Interview Success content issues base interview on job analysis multiple questions for each KASO ask same questions to all interviewees use situational and behavioral questions process issues limit use of pre interview data take notes on key points same interviewer for all candidates avoid discussing candidates between interviews Human Resources Part 2 05 08 2012 Cognitive ability tests EAS Watson Glaser logic puzzles Personality Inventories assess unique blend of personal characteristics that define individuals pattern of interactions with the environment HDS CPI HPI Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Emotional stability Leadership development at Pepsi week long assessment and development program for high potentials 6 month coaching assignment Integrity Tests can predict dishonest and counterproductive behaviors paper and pencil tests Clear Purpose typical employee overt General Purpose employee theft is one element of larger syndrome of antisocial behavior covert personality oriented Assessment centers individuals participate in situations that stimulate real world behaviorally oriented processes effective tool for predicting future overall job performance management potential performance in training career advancements Biographical data GLAT Google Lab Aptitude Test best indicator of future performance is past performance information spans past experience behaviors or activities in any aspect of

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