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Chapter 7 E Business What is E Business e tailing retailing electronic business conducting business via the Internet 5 Categories o o online business to business transactions o o o gathering demographics and info electronic data interchange email IM blogs Capabilities and Benefits of E Business global reach personalization interactivity right time and integrated marketing cost savings Business Websites Business to Business B2B E Business corporate websites designed to increase a firm s visibility promote offerings provide info marketing websites main purpose is to increase purchases by visitors business to business e business B2B electronic business transactions between organizations using the internet electronic data interchange computer to computer exchanges of invoice orders prices and info extranet secure network used for e business accessible thru website available to costumers suppliers private exchange secure website at which a company suppliers share all types of data related to e business electronic exchanges online marketplace caters to a specific industry s needs e procurement web based systems that enable all types of organizations to improve the efficiency of their procurement processes Online Shopping and B2C E Business Benefits of B2C E Business convenience lower prices personalization Developing Safe Online Payment Systems business to consumer e business B2C selling directly to consumers over the internet electronic storefront company website that sells products to customers encryption encoding data for security purposes Secure Sockets Layer SSL technology to encrypt info verify authenticity Electronic wallet computer data file that contains credit card info owner ID address E Business Challenges Privacy Security Issues Internet Fraud firewall barrier between a company network and the internet limits access into a network phishing uses authentic looking email ads to get unsuspecting victims to reveal personal info Poor Website Design and Service lack of info inability to find info too much info merchandise delivery and returns Channel Conflicts channel conflicts disputes between producers wholesalers and retailers electronic bulletin boards take advantage of communication power of the internet newsgroups noncommercial internet versions of forums Using the Web s Communication Function Online Communities Blogs wiki web page that anyone can edit blog online journal written by a blogger Web Based Promotions podcasts bloggers prepare video audio then post it to a website for download banner ads small messages placed in high visibility areas of websites pop up ads separate windows that contain an advertising message pre roll video ads 15 30 second clip that runs as a page loads search marketing paying search engines to make company s listing appear toward the top of search results Global Environment of E Business Number of Internet Users World Rank 1 China 2 USA 3 Japan Internet Penetration Rates 1 Greenland 2 Netherlands 3 Norway Managing a Website Developing Successful Websites Planning and Preparation What is the company s goal for its website Objectives determine scope of the project Create maintain a site in house or to contract with outside experts Name the website Content and Connections content of website design of website Costs and Maintenance Measuring Website Effectiveness web to store group that favors the internet primarily as research tool and time saving device for retail purchases made in stores click through rates number of visitors who click on a web banner ad conversion rate percentage of visitors to a website who actually make a purchase display ads designed to reach targeted audiences and are the equivalent of glossy magazine ads to TV commercials

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UMD BMGT 110 - Chapter 7: E-Business

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