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HLTH471 WMST471 Exam 1 Study Guide Health Promotion 101 Health Education efforts to improve peoples knowledge and awareness about health can focus on teaching individuals communities or populations can cover any health related topic Health Promotion focuses on getting people to change their behavior includes health education and policies deals with lifestyle and chronic disease factors Types of Prevention Primary Prevention prevention of disease or injury by reducing exposure to a risk factor that may lead to disease or injury i e giving out condoms Secondary Prevention early detection and prompt treatment i e mammogram Tertiary Prevention takes place once a disease has advanced Involves alleviating pain providing comfort halting progression of an illness and limiting disability that may result from a disease i e cancer radiation hospice care Prevalence total number of people affected by a given condition at a point in time or during a period of time Incidence new cases of a condition that occur during a specified period of time Incidence prevalence deaths emigrations recovery Determinants of Population Health 1 being most important 4 being the least 1 Social Societal characteristics 2 Medical care 3 Health Behavior 4 Genetics Biology Intro to Women s Health Timeline 1 First women s rights convention held 1848 2 First training school for nurses opened 1973 3 First birth control clinic established by Margaret Sanger 1916 4 Women gain the right to vote 1920 5 Number of women employed in US increased 50 1940s 6 Kinsey report on human sexuality was published 1953 7 FDA approves the birth control pill 1960 8 Our Bodies Ourselves was published 1970 9 Roe V Wade 1973 10 Global Gag Rule 1984 11 NIH Revitalization Act required that women and minorities be included as research subjects 1993 12 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2010 Social Determinants of Health Social gradient Stress Early life Social exclusion Work Unemployment Social support Addiction Food Transport Fight or Flight reaction when you encounter perceived threats your body releases a surge of hormones including adrenaline increases heart rate elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies cortisol increases sugars in the bloodstream enhances your brains use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight or flight reaction such as immune system responses suppresses the digestive system and the reproductive system Whitehall Study in the 1970s Conventional wisdom that business executives had high rates of heart attacks but the study found the opposite Stress over lack of control Lower positions have less control more stress Social exclusion Absolute and relative poverty result from racism discrimination stigmatization hostility and unemployment Prevents people from participating in society which is psychologically damaging costly and harmful to health Health Care Reform Why did we need health reform Not all individuals have access to high quality affordable care Individuals who are poor or sick find it particularly difficult to access health care Parts of the US Health Care system are not functioning well What will change for a woman 1 with a preexisting condition can not turn down kids with preexisting conditions Pools for adults with pre existing conditions temporary high risk pool government is funding After 2014 no one can be turned down High risk pool will eventually be dropped is the idea 2 Under 26 and uninsured can stay on parents plan until they are 26 3 Who is a small business owner tax breaks to help them offer health insurance to their employees 4 Who is underinsured competitive rates at the exchange so that there are many options that are desirable All competition will drive the prices down 5 Who has a great PPO insurance plan through her employer available to view the exchange options but does not have to change insurance plans 6 Who makes less than 133 of poverty line with no children have access to Medicaid no longer excluded Just have to be poor do not need to have children in order to obtain Medicaid 7 Who does not want to buy health insurance has to pay a fine starting in 2014 Unless you are too poor or have a religious objection This will possibly be a task This helps the idea of risk pooling People wont wait until they are already sick to get health insurance 8 Who is undocumented nothing will change People who are undocumented will have no access to this system at all 9 Who does not have employer sponsored health insurance but would like to buy it can go to the exchange to buy their own plan Essential Benefits Ambulatory patient services Emergency services Hospitalization Maternity and newborn care Mental health and substance use disorder services Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices Laboratory services Preventative and wellness services and chronic disease management Pediatric services including oral and vision care Prescription drugs Abortion Coverage Hyde amendment prohibits federal funds for abortions except in cases of rape incest or danger to the life of the mother Cannot be an essential benefit and states must offer one plan without abortion coverage Plans in the exchange that do cover abortions must separate funds used for elective abortions coverage Health care reform and the impact on women Bans pre existing condition exclusions Bans gender rating Prohibits sex discrimination Makes comprehensive health insurance more available and affordable Expands Medicaid eligibility Guarantees maternity coverage for all Ensures new plans cover recommended preventative care Protects nursing mothers Paying for Health Care in the US Most people are covered under their own employee sponsored health insurance the next most common way of obtaining health insurance is being a dependent of an employee sponsored health insurance plan HMO Health Maintenance Organization Managed Care plan Patients pay the same premium every month Co payments and deductibles low Primary care physician is seen as the gatekeeper Need referrals for specialist care Usually cheapest option for employer sponsored health insurance Out of care network is much more expensive PPO Preferred Provider Organization Managed care plan No referrals Out of network care is more expensive Deductibles and co payments low HDCP High Deductible Health Plan Usually paired with a health savings account Gives patients flexibility

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