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Chapter 10 Race and Ethnic Inequality MInority Racial and Ethnic Groups racial group category composed of people who share biologically transmitted that members of society deem socially significant ethnic group group set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns racial typology o 19th century o 3 part caucasian negroid mongoloid race facts and myths o myth of racial superiority o myth of pure races Minority group subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives properties o unequal treatment o distinguishing cultural characteristics o o o involuntary membership solidarity in group marriage nothing to do with size of group but lack of power Prejudice and Discrimination prejudice negative attitude toward an entire category or people such as racial or ethnic minority discrimination denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals unfair treatment individual discrimination negative treatment of one person by another institutional discrimination denial of opportunity and equal rights to individuals or groups resulting from the normal operations of society o o active bigot prejudice person who discriminates timid bigot prejudiced person who doesn t discriminate fair weathered liberal non prejudice who discriminates all weather liberal non prejudice who doesn t discriminate Theories of prejudice psychological theories o frustration and scapegoats J Dollard frustration scapegoats o authoritarian personality theory Adorno 1950 insecure conformist prejudice people sociological theories o o o o prejudice in functional functionalism conflict groups are divided Marx split labor market theory E Bonaccih employers symbolic interactionism high low price labor labels we learn affect the way we see people labels selective perception contact hypothesis interracial contact between people of equal status in cooperative circumstances will cause them to become less prejudice and abandon old stereotypes Global Pattern of Inter group Relations 1 Genocide a The dominant group tries to destroy the minority group e g Germany and a The dominant group expels the minority group e g Native Americans moved Rwanda 2 Population transfer to reservations b Direct c Indirect Internal colonialism 3 4 Segregation 5 Assimilation Czechoslovakians b A B C A or A B C D c Forced assimilation d Permissible assimilation 6 Multiculturalism pluralism a The dominant group exploits the minority group e g low paid menial work a The dominant group structures the social institutions to maintain minimal contact with the minority group e g the U S South before the 1960s a The dominant group absorbs the minority group e g American a The dominant group encourages racial and ethnic variation when successful there is no longer a dominant group e g Switzerland b A B C A B C Racial Groups native americans invisible minority o about 2 4 million 554 tribal groups o o 1830 indian removal act trail of tears o CERT council of energy resource tribes o poverty and unemployment o low life expectancy african americans o 1 4 blacks are poor o contemporary institutional discrimination and individual prejudice rooted in history of slavery struggle for civil rights civil rights act 1964 voting rights act 1965 o o o black power rejected assimilation into white middle class society asian americans fastest growing segments of US population not homogeneous o o often held up as model minority or ideal minority minority group that succeeds economically socially and educationally without confrontation with majority Up to 3 million people of Arab ancestry reside in US Cannot be characterized as having a specific family type gender role or Profiling of potential terrorists has put Arab and Muslim Americans under Japanese Americans 110 000 to relocation camps o Arab Americans occupational pattern surveillance Ethnic Groups Latinos o Largest minority in the US o Mexican Americans largest Latino population o Residents of Puerto Rico second largest group and are American citizens o Cuban Americans began immigrating in earnest following Cuban Revolution 1959 Jewish Americans o Constitute almost 3 of population o Anti Semitism anti Jewish prejudice White Ethnics o Poles Italians Greeks Slovaks o White ethnics ancestors came from Europe in last 200 years o Symbolic ethnicity emphasis on concerns such as ethnic food or political issues rather than deeper ties to one s ethnic heritage o Respectable bigotry o Marcus Hansen the Law of the Return of the Third Generation Affirmative Action Debate California 1996 Proposition 209 Prohibits discrimination or preferential treatment by state and other public entities

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KSU SOC 12050 - Chapter 10 Race and Ethnic Inequality

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