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LECTURE baroque reformation and counter reformation 1600 1700 1523 1570 protestant iconoclasm portents remove all art from churches the ghent altar piece is saved 15 minutes before protestants come in the catholic church embraces the use of art but there is a problem there are things that are inappropriate in the church recommendations for the use of art used in the service of the church in the 1580 s art must be as real as possible even if the subject is horrible art must be simple clear and legible easily read art should evoke a pious response nothing that makes you feel lusty MICHELANGELO MERISI DA CARAVAGGIO in 17th century his ideas are so radical that he influenced all of europe he launches the baroque period art is so realistic developed a set of approaches to realism in painting this influenced every artist in europe of that time odd character famous for temper killed a man in 1606 and was on the run until his death due to illness in 1610 at age 38 bacchus 1595 one of earliest works he is offering glass of wine to audience viewer participation he is also asking you to join him in pleasure fruit is decaying which caravaggio is including bacchus has dirt underneath his fingernails face is very baby like and body has a little muscle has a farmers tan a kid that caravaggio has taken off the street to pose as the god bacchus mattress is also dirty entombment 1603 implicitly about viewer particiaption calling of st matthew 1599 1601 unveiled made him extremely famous in the contarelli chapel scene where christ and peter are walking in amongst a group of people counting money matthew began life as a tax collector which no one likes christ comes in to them and tells them to follow him tax collectors are all dressed in high fashion christ looks as though he is coming into the antiquity painting is very dark with sharp highlights this is caravaggio s own invention tenebrous is a modeling that is about extremes of light and dark it helps paintings see in a gloomy interior highlights pop out christ s hand is the same as adam s hand in the sistine chapel of michelangelo there is only a slight sliver of halo who matthew is is ambiguous caravaggio wants painting to make you realize that faith is a living thing wanted to make you think god could call on you when standing in church looks as though he is pointing out to you he is always trying to find a way to include the viewer death of the virgin 1605 rejected by its patrons because it was seen as an inappropriate portrayal disciples have intense mourning mary magdalene is crying deeply in foreground used his friends and models over and over there is no message of hope or heavenly reward which is upsetting slight sliver of halo she doesn t look like anything special and it looks hopeless which is also upsetting mary s body is swollen in the middle of the gasses of decomposition pan is at bottom waiting to catch wastes duccio and veneziano s old versions look very heavenly and hopeful used a real cadaver to paint her and it was rumored that she was a prostitute they hated he was so shameless in his decisions rejected as unfit by the parish in the rome that had commissioned it purchased instead by the duke of manatua based on the advice of his art consultant rubens peter paula rubens made a copy for himself because he thought it was ingenious everywhere you go in europe at this time you will see light dark contact and down to earth realism the carvaggisti the imitators of carvaggio s style in italy and elsewhere ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI father was ORAZIO who was trained by caravaggio self portrait as the art of painting 1630 her self portrait artemisia was raped at the age of 15 by a friend of the family he was a painter who was giving her art lessons the trial provoked a scandal in rome he was only put in jail for a few weeks minimal sentence she was outranged there on her paintings are of conflicting incidents between men and women susanna and the elders 1610 susanna was bathing and men said let us have her way with you they said she was committing adultery she is in a very vulnerable state penitent magadalene 1615 she portrays herself as mary magadalene shows how women were unsure of the type of life they should live esther before ahasuerus jael and sisera 1620 judith and her maidservant with the head of holofernes 1618 1619 judith is an old testament heroin and her city is being sieged by assyrians they are all going to be killed she decides to take matters into her own hands and goes to assyrian camp tells them how he can defeat city easily they get drunk and make love and she cuts off his head artemisia is giving woman manly qualities judith beheading holofernes 1618 1619 another version the is in the moment artemisia was a friend of galileo and records blood accurately GIANLORENZO BERNINI 1598 1680 served eight popes several kings worked on st peter s for 57 years sculptor architect painter playwright stage designer last of the universal geniuses that made italy the artistic and intellectual center of europe for 300 years hands down the best sculptor of this time period he was a child prodigy and father was pietro bernini he was a little kid has become acquainted with powerful people was exposed to great sculptures of antiquity in rome at such a young age also soaked up the best of renaissance goat of amalthea nursing infant jupiter and faun 1615 sold for a fortune because person bought it thinking it was very old made this at only 16 years old martyrdom of st lawrence 1616 1617 to get a sense of agony he stuck his own foot in a fire to know what to portray damned soul has an extreme expression apollo and daphne 1623 1624 carved from one block of marble daphne is a spirit doesn t want to be abducted by apollo father hears her cry and turns her into a laurel tree bernini shows this story and daphne turning into a tree this sculpture started his extreme frame sculpture got him the commission for david sculpture david 1623 very different expression from michelangelo s david bernini s is in the process of doing something michelangelo s is just standing baroque is always showing actual moment of action instead of being up against a wall david is active in room you and work share the same space in the room michelangelo s does not leave central space features of david is a self portrait of bernini has someone hold a mirror for him cardinal maffeo barberini maffeo barberini becomes pope urban viii barberini 1623 1644 makes bernini head of

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