Bio Diversity Exam 3 Domain Bacteria no membrane bound nucleus Prokaryotes Domain Archaea Prokaryotes Eukaryotes posess a membrane bound nuclues Roles bacteria Archaea play increased in decomposition break down of organic matter sewage treatment cheese food production bacteria w in us fight infection immune function vast diverse array of research global element cycle N fixation C P O cycling Chapter 28 Prokaryotes Spectrographic analysis lipids 3 8 billion years ago NO O2 in atmosphere anoxic rod shaped spherical oval spiral helical colony forming prokaryotes also filaments Prokaryotes are the most abundant life on Earth Carl Woese Bacteria vs archaea woese separated them composed of lipids cell membrane structure all have glycerol complex fatty acid tail Both have cell walls Bacteria increased peptidoglycan increased structure stability achaea NO peptiglycan Genetic diiferences associated w protein production plasma cell membrane differ pm in bio chemical construct pm is Bacteria unique simpler system Archaea same as Eukarya rationale underlying idea as to why archaea are more closely related to Eukarya Achaea found else where condtions extremophiles Temperature salinity low nutrients chemical extremes high sulfur Methanogens Themermophiles Hydrothermal vents Acidophiles Archae increased producers of methane atmospheric gas 60 80oC 140 175oF Thermus aquaticus PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction enzyme Taq Polymerase heat stable deep in the ocean deep freshwater lakes vents loaded w hydrogen sulfide archaea metabolize H2S low pH 2 0 acid mine drainage bogs pine forest soils some foods Halophiles increased salinity Great Salt Lake Dead Sea 40 salinity soy sauce Methanogens Produce methane gas dumps garbage pipe to power plants methane Wetlands habitat loaded w methanogens large proportion of methane arises here Methane arises from cattle belching flatulence Archaea live in stomachs digestive systems Termites 4 5 of world methane production DOMAIN Bacteria structure Gram peptido glycan produces purple Gram most basic way of characterizing diversity is by their cell wall determined by Gram staining archaea doesn t show up indicator for biochem composition of cell wall thick cell wall decrease major structual component is peptidoglycan Plasma membrane stain added to the bacterial solution stains 2 layers in their cell wall thin sheet of peptidoglycan covering that layer is a lipid bilayer membrane porin outer lipopolysacchandes porin protein recognition of toxins food membrane other orgs determine what is allowed into cell Gram much less susceptible to antibiotics porin blocks strain from hitting peptidoglycan NO PURPLE add another stain gets through stains the cell pink Gram bacteria NH4 fertilizer entrance growth reproduction interaction mutualism symbiosis cry gene has been bioginered into plants genene into the plants cause pest to die Phylum Actinobacteria mostly soil bacteria many Actinobacteria infect plant roots forming nodules fun of bacteria that fix Nitrogen atmospheric N2 ammonia peanut leaves w o cry differences 4 mutations make cat pilars to cry toxins Diamond back mouth now has resistance to cry toxin Bacillusauthracis anthrax disease for grazing and oldest known globally disturbed by soil long lived endospores Streptococcus pneumonia pneumonia cousin Bacillus anthracis Anthrax oldest known disease of grazing animals globally distributed in soil long lived endospores Streptococcus commercials living on skin throat commensal interaction bacteria benefits no harm to other orgs no help pnemonia manigiticus Strepcocus repiratory Staplylococus infectious skin soft tissue digestive infection no negative effect on you for bacteria staph strep very opportunistic Amycolaptosis orientals Actinobacteria produces vanomycin antibiotic staphylocuccus aureus Marsa commensal can be very oppurtunistic milti drug esistant staph aurelus Gram skin infection increased increased frequent difficult to treat PINK bi layer cell wall peptidoglycan layer thin outer membrane less susceptible to antibiotics spiral Ph Spirochaela Treponema sp Syphilis Trepneumonia can be knocked out by antibiotic Borrelia burgador feri spirochaete lyme disease mice deer w B b infection good rains plant growth increased seeds increased mice pop deer tick attached to mice passes on B b deer squirrels tick attach to humans 24hr B b is passed on Ph Cyanobacteria Blue Green Algae not algae They are bacteria Cyanobacteria bloom produce toxins decreased competitiom likehood of being eaten Micocustics microsytin toxin beach cosings sickeness Ph Probacteria Escherichia Coli most diverse bacterial group multiple independent evolutionary lineages alpha beta gamma epsilion E Coli Gamma Droeobacteria common in mammalian digestive system common in sewage system polluted water fecal bacteria coli form bacteria model organism used scientific research many strains specific characteristics coded by their genenom Wolbachia Sp Mechanisms of male killing female population Probacteria proteobacteria The mice killer 25 of all infect spp Intracellular bacteria kill a male before birth hatching feminize male insects become true female or infertile populations produce pathogens virgin birth all female young are young with bacteria stomach ulcers increased likelihood of cancer Gram intake starved bite rate disease spread system humans treated easily with antibiotics 14th century 35M people died population of Europe Black plaque common around urban environments strongly linked to rat flea population an infected flea carrying y p y p blocks digestive track energy bubo bubonic plague swollen lymph nodes septicemic form blood based respiratory form pneumonia plague airborne e g black tailed prarie dog black foot ferret Geobacter metallineducers dissolved in H2 O Prokaryote Reproduction Horizontal Gene Transfer Gram bioremediation oil spills G M produces CO2 following consumption of oil clean up radioactive uranium ground water contaimined convert it to a insoluble form settles out can be cleaned out NO SEXUAL REPRODUCTION ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION binary fusion exchange of genes among bacterial cells incorporated into genome or stays as plasma Conjugation F donates new genetic material F receives new genetic material plasmid circular piece of DNA antibiotics restricts viruence environment tolerances pilus connects the 2 cells Transduction association w accidents during lytic cycle of a viral in fection phage attaches to cell phage DNA is into cell phage
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