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BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CHAPTER 31 FUNGI lecture 11 30 Fungi mycelium represents an individual organism core of the organism o each mycelium is composed of hyphae filaments of the mycelium hyphae grow reproduce and feed heterotrophic organisms o osmotrophs release enzymes into environment breaking down organic matter and taking in organic matter o absorbing products of digestion o products can be transported throughout the entire mycelium septum o break in hyphae o pores in septum makes up most of the structure of hyphae chitin hyphae are below grown reproduction o fruiting bodies made of hyphae mushrooms contain spores sporangia contain spores does not reproduce every year only when conditions are ideal sporangia mature then burst with spores Groups of Fungi Ph Chytridiomycota o most ancestral o characterized by mobile flagellated zoospores egg sperm gametes closely associated with water in order for zoospores to move around o water borne pathogens infect plants algae animals global declines in amphibians Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Chytrid poison dart frogs fungus responsible for wiping out frogs o all fungi use alteration of generations like plants have a haploid n side and diploid side 2n gametophyte and sporophyte figure 31 9 in textbook Ph Zygomycota o bread food molds o found in some soils decompose organic matter o form of sporangia characterize this group zygosporangium not so much male and female but positive and negative hyphae positive and negative hyphae come together fertilization dikaryon stage before union of gametes o n n haploid to dikaryon to diploid and back to haploid Ph Glomeromycota o myco means fungal related o plant symbionts arbuscular mycorrhizae fungus grows into the individual rood cells part of the hyphal network is outside of the root mutualism fungi produce nitrogen and phosphorus that benefits the plant plant produces carbon in form of carbohydrates used for the fungus Ph Ascomycota o cup or sac fungi o 75 of all fungi is Ascomycota large and diverse includes Cordyceps zombie killer fungi truffles yeast pathogens o characterized by the fruiting bodies lined with asci hold in spores o mildews blights o grains ergot fungus pathogen on wheat that also makes people sick causes insanity hallucinations gangrene permanent brain damage death fairly certain ergot is behind Salem Witch Trials o when people became crazy thought they were a witch but had o morels fruiting body like a mushroom ergot poisoning o truffles lined with spore producing structures spores do not travel far fruiting body underground attached to underground mycelium actual organism both the fruiting body and mycelium are underground associated with certain tree species symbiotic relationship mycorrhizae mutualism o nitrogen for carbon sold as truffle oil for food multicellular fruiting body from multicellular mycelium o yeast only true unicellular fungus food commensal organism 0 where yeast benefits and organism it is living on has no effects reproduce asexually budding Saccharomyces cerevisiae bread and alcohol varieties Candida tamed yeast selected for over very long periods of time spp wild yeast o thrush commensal o lichens mutualistic relationship btw Ascomycota and green algae or cyanobacteria looks like crust photosynthetic organisms production of carbohydrates energy the surface has green algae and cyanobacteria layer of hyphae in the middle chitin based layer signifies great air quality in the area different colors for different lichens and their symbiotic relationships Ph Basidiomycota basidium basidiocarp fruiting body of mycelium underground delicacy in some countries o mushrooms toad stools fungal infection o smut o rust agriculture pests o puff balls o jelly fungus moves through forest o mushrooms have toxins osmotrophs hyphae are part of jelly mass vomitoxim aflotoxin reduce competition avoid competition hyphae release toxin in soil around them o fairy rings o mushroom reproduction mycelium underground mushroom growing infections of the lawn that started with a single spore germinates hyphal network grows leaks nitrogen and acts like fertilizer for the grass modified hyphae for reproduction hyphae grows forages and reproduces folds underneath the cap are called gills reproduction occurs here o sporangia line the gills o basidiospores o individual spores are sphere shaped o Glomeromycota Glomeromycota grow into root ccells mostly Basidiomycota Ectomycorrhizae o grow around cells Mycorrhizae Penicillium penicillin carbon nitrogen phosphorus o producing penicillin to reduce completion btw any bacteria present Aspergillus o associated with lots of food stuff o fermenting soy beans o soy sauce o sake o miso

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