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Bio Quiz 9 The skin is part of which body system The integumentary system Which of these is not a function of the respiratory system To sense changes in the atmosphere The human heart has two pumps composed of four chambers One pump sends blood to the lungs and the other pump sends blood to All of the tissues and organs of the body Which of these is not a function of the excretory system It filters nitrogenous wastes Breakdown and absorption of nutrients are accomplished by the system Digestive Regulation of salt and removal of wastes from blood is accomplished by the system Excretory What type of epithelium would you expect to find covering a surface subject to physical forces Stratified epithelium What type of epithelial tissue found in the intestines absorbs nutrients simple columnar epithelium Which of these tissues found in the lungs permits gas exchange by diffusion Stratified squamous epitheliu What type of epithelial tissue lines kidney tubules Simple cuboidal cells The posterior inferior vena cava is indicated by the letter C Arteries carry blood Away from the heart only Blood returns to the heart via the Pulmonary veins Left atrium Right atrium From the pulmonary veins blood flows to the From the anterior vena cava blood flows to the From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs blood flows to the Posterior vena cava Which of the following is a correct match of cell type with structure Muscle cell has proteins that slide back and forth Carbon dioxide enters the blood at the Capillaries of the head forelimbs abdominal organs and hind limbs The has have the thinnest walls Capillaries Blood pressure is highest in the Aorta Most gas exchange with blood vessels occurs across the walls of the structure indicated by the letter How does connective tissue differ from the other three major tissue types Which of these describes loose connective tissue It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material Cartilage is found At th ends of bones such as the femur is the connective tissue specialized for transport Blood Blood returns to the heart via the Pulmonary veins From the pulmonary veins blood flows to the Left atrium Right atrium From the anterior vena cava blood flows to the From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs blood flows to the Posterior vena cava What type of muscle is responsible for contractions of the digestive tract and arteries Smooth muscle Branched Cardiac muscle is the only muscle composed of fibers muscle is attached to bones Skeletal A neuron consists of Dendrites a cell body and axons Nervous tissue functions To sense stiumli

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LSU BIOL 1002 - Quiz

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