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Conflict view M Tumin Societies must make certain its positions Some people inherit money are filled others Some positions are more important than The issue of differential and opportunities functional importance positions The most important positions must be filled my the most qualified people The neglect of dysfunctions Conclusion inequality is not For the most important positions society inevitable or good Chapter 7 Monday February 28 2011 12 43 PM Why is stratification universal Functionalist view K Davis and W Moore must offer grater positions Conclusion inequality inevitable good Gerhard Lenski s Synthesis 1996 Evolutionary Theory of Social Stratification Functionalist view inequality is necessary and universal Conflict theory there is too much social inequality Assumptions about human nature Lenski Power will determine the distribution of surplus wealth Figure T 16 Distribution of Surplus wealth How do elites maintain stratification Ideology force Marx false consciousness Control of information Comparative Social Stratification Great Brittan Small upper class Middle class Lower working class Education Accent Former soviet union Corrupted govt officials Global stratification Three Worlds 1 Most industrialized Nations of the former Soviet Union Spain Greece Portugal Thailand US Canada GB France Germany a Industrializing nations a Least industrialized nations a Oil rich non industrialized nations Algeria Jamaica Cuba Albania Congo Sudan How did the world s nations become stratified Immanuel Wallerstein World System Theory a b c Colonialism the process by which one nation takes over another nation usually for the purpose Core Nations those that industrialized firt Semi periphery countries dependent on trade with other core nations Periphery countries left out of capitalism of explaiting its labor resources a Economic colonies 2 3 4 1 2 Much larger

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