Leonard Da Vinci Madonna of the Rocks San Francesco Grande Milan Italy 1483 Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Lisa 1503 1505 Louvre Paris Raphael Madonna in the Meadow 1505 06 Vienna Raphael Philosophy School of Athens Stanza della Segnatura Vatican Palace Rome Italy 1509 1511 Michelangelo Buonarroti David Piazza della Signoria Florence Italy 1501 04 Michelangelo Interior of the Sistine Chapel Vatican City Rome Italy Built 1473 Michelangelo Last Judgement Sistine Chapel Vatican City Rome Italy 1536 41 Donato D Angelo Bramante Tempietto San Pietro Montorio Rome Italy 1502 Caradosso Bramante s design for New St Peter s 1506 British Museum London Andrea Palladio Villa Rotonda near Vicenza Italy 1550 70 Giovanni Bellini San Zaccaria Altarpiece 1505 San Zaccaria Venice Giorgione Da Castelfranco Pastoral Symphony 1508 10 Louvre Paris Giorgione Da Castelfranco The Tempest 1510 Galleria dell Accademia Venice Titan Assumption of the Virgin 1516 18 Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari Venice Titan Madonna of the Pesaro Family 1519 1526 Pesaro Chapel Santa Maria dei Frari Venice Titan Venus of Urbino 1538 Galleria degli Uffizi Florence Titan Isabella d Este 1534 36 Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna Jacopo Da Pontormo Entombment of Christ Capponi Chapel Santa Felicita Florence Italy 1525 28 Paramiginino Madonna with the Long Neck from the Baiardi Chapel Santa Maria dei Servi Parma Italy 1534 40 Bronzino Venus Cupid Folly and Time National Gallery London 1546 Bronzino Portrait of a Young Man 1530 45 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York Paolo Veronese Christ in the House of Levi Galleria dell Accademia Venice Italy 1573 Giovanni Da Bologna Abduction of the Sabine Women Piazza della Signoria Florence Italy 1579 83 Giulio Romano interior courtyard fa ade of the Palazzo del Te Mantua Italy 1525 35 Giacomo Della Porta fa ade of II Gesu Rome Italy 1575 84 Giacomo Da Vignola plan of II Gesu Rome Italy 1568 1 Dome 2 Nave 3 Chapel Albrecht Durer Fall of Man Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1504 Albrecht Durer Great Piece of Turf Albertina Vienna 1503 Albrecht Durer Four Apostles Pinakothek Munich 1526 Hieronymus Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights Museo del Prado Madrid 1505 10 Gianlorenzo Bernini interior of the Cornaro Chapel Santa Maria della Vittoria Rome Italy 1645 52 Carlo Maderno fa ade of Santa Susanna Rome Italy 1597 1603 Carlo Maderno Fa ade of St Peter s Vatican City Rome Italy 1606 12 Gianlorenzo Bernini St Peter s and piazza Vatican City Rome Italy 1656 67 Gianlorenzo Bernini baldacchino St Peter s Vatican City Rome Italy 1624 33 Gianlorenzo Bernini David Galleria Borghese Rome 1623 Gianlorenzo Bernini Estacy of Saint Teresa Cornaro Chapel Santa Maria della Vittoria Rome Italy 1645 52 Francesco Borromini Fa ade of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Rome Italy 1665 67 Francesco Borromini plan of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Rome Italy 1638 41 Caravaggio Conversion of Saint Paul Cerasi Chapel Santa Maria del Popolo Rome 1601 Caravaggio Calling of Saint Matthew Contarelli Chapel San Luigi dei Francesi Rome 1597 1601 Caravaggio Entombment from the chapel of Pietro Vittrice Santa Maria in Vallicella Rome Italy 1603 Artemisia Gentileschi Judith Slaying Holofernes Galleria degli Uffizi Florence 1614 1620 Pietro Da Cortona Triumph of the Barberini ceiling fresco in the Gran Salone Palazzo Barberini Rome Italy 1633 39 Giovanni Battista Gaulli Triumph of the Name of Jesus ceiling fresco with stucco figures on the nave vault of II Gesu Rome 1676 79 Jose De Ribera Martyrdom of Saint Philip Museo del Prado Madrid 1639 Francisco De Zurbaran Saint Serapion Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford 1628 Diego Velazquez Water Carrier of Seville Victoria Albert Museum London 1619 Diego Velazquez Las Meninas The Maids of Honor Museo del Prado Madrid 1656 Peter Paul Rubens Elevation of the Cross Antwerp Cathedral Antwerp 1610 Peter Paul Rubens Arrival of Marie de Medici at Marseilles Louvre Paris 1622 25 Anthony Van Dyck Charles I Dismounted Louvre Paris 1635 Clara Peeters Still Life with Flowers Goblet Dried Fruit and Pretzels Museo del Prado Madrid 1611 Gerrit Van Honthorst Supper Party Galleria delgi Uffizi Florence 1620 Frans Hals Archers of Saint Hadrian Halsmuseum Haarlem 1633 Judith Leyster Self Portrait National Gallery of Art Washington D C 1630 Rembrandt Van Rijn Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp Mauritshuis The Hague 1632 Rembrandt Van Rijn The Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq Night Watch Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 1642 Rembrandt Van Rijn Return of the Prodigal Son Hermitage Museum Saint Petersburg 1665 Rembrandt Van Rijn Self Portrait Kenwood House London 1659 60 Rembrandt Van Rijn Christ with the Sick around Him Receiving the Children Pierpont Morgan Library New York 1649 Jacob Van Ruisdael View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen Mauritshuis The Hague 1670 Jan Vermeer The Letter Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 1666 Pieter Claesz Vanitas Still Life Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg 1630 s William Kalf Still Life with the Late Ming Ginger Jar Indianapolis Museum of Art Inidianapolis 1669 Rachel Ruysch Flower Still Life Toledo Museum of Art Toledo 1700 Nicolas Poussin Et in Arcadia Ego Louvre Paris 1655 Nicolas Poussin Burial of Phocion Louvre Paris 1648 Georges De La Tour Adoration of the Shepherds Louvre Paris 1645 50 Hyacinthe Rigaud Louis XIV Louvre Paris 1701 Claude Perrault Louis Le Vau and Charles Le Braun East fa ade of the Louvre Paris France 1667 70 Aerial view of the palace and gardens Versailles France begun 1669 Jules Hardouin Mansart and Charles Le Brun Galerie des Glaces palace of Louis XIV Versailles France 1680
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