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I America as a Democracy a Democratic Systems b This entails i People have input on the policies that affect them i Mass participation Everyone has a chance to participate ii Competitive elections iii Civil Rights c Importance i Check upon government 1 Civil Liberties 2 Moderate policies It s around the median of where the public is 3 Reduced corruption ii Voice to the public 1 Catharsis d Concerns i Measuring the Will of the people 1 Surveys 2 Elections 3 Political activity ii Quality of public decision making Informed 1 2 Altruistic Choose the best policies for themselves 3 Resistant to change II Views of Democracy a Procedural i Universal participation 1 Voting rights 2 Voting participation In 2008 61 8 voted ii Political equality 1 One person one vote iii Majority rule 1 Plurality default Whoever gets the most votes b Substantive i Policies based on substantive principles 1 Freedom of speech religion etc 2 Civil rights 3 Social and economic equality c Procedural ii Perceptions of these principles depend upon ideology 1 Conservatives Narrow views of rights 2 Liberal Expansive view of rights and Substantive can come into conflict i Majority may want something that is undemocratic ii Examples 1 2 Expansion of police power Interracial marriage III Direct Democracy a Citizens meet and vote directly on issues i Problems Concerns 1 Dependent on small government 2 Complex issues 3 Uniformed public 4 Self interest ii Propositions 1 Issues are put on ballot by petition Initiatives or state legislature b Additional problems concerns 1 Pass Fail 2 Resource advantages ii Examples 1 Tax revolt 2 Defense of Marriage acts Anti gay marriage c Recalls 1 Voters can remove elected officials before their term is over ii Problems 1 Expense 2 Electoral incentive a Example 2003 California Gubernatorial campaign

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