Biological Diversity Notes October 19 2009 Cyano Bacteria Photosynthesis and organic compound o Light CO2 H2O CH2O O2 Escherichia Coli also known E Coli Proteo bacteria Largest most diverse bacterial group Alpha beta gamma delta ect o Evolutionarily distinct lineages E Coli mammal guts o Big role in digestion Common in sewage and polluted water o Indicator o From feces Some strains cause disease o Contaminated water and undercooked red meat 1 E coli O157 H7 type of strain 2 Also associated with spinach recall other leafy vegetables 1 and 2 from above Death Population can double in 20 mins under optimal conditions Infection moves quickly Wolbachia Sp Intra cellular bacteria o Very similar to mitochondria 20 of all insects are infected o Inherited o KILLS MALE Feminization of male insects become true female or in fertile psoudo females Partheon genesis o Virgin Birth no mall genetic input o Clones of female o Virgin birth no indolement of male Females acts like a male and have sex with a female and then they switch roles Helico Bacter Pyloria Ulcers 1979 founded That thrives in acidic low PH environment Yersinia Pestis Urban o Rats The Black Death The Black Plague 14th century no antibiotics o Approximately of Europe s Population
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