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ART HISTORY II Albert Reischuck 2nd Semester Test 4 A 1871 1914 B 1915 1940 C 1941 1960 D 1961 2007 POST IMPRESSIONISM A 1871 1914 The Belle Epoque literally The Beautiful Era 1871 to 1914 in Europe further industrial growth artist maudit literally a cursed artist mental illness physical illness depression anxiety suicide Henri de Toulouse Lautrec born to a noble family in the south of France stunted growth of his legs by his teens due to his family s inbreeding well endowed Moulin Rouge 29 32 George Seurat academically trained the Little Green Chemist Gauguin s nickname for him Interests in numerous positivist scientific discoveries especially regarding color theory Died suddenly at age 31 in 1891 Paints a lot of grande machine paintings of where the landscape changes from the outskirts of a city to the city The Golden Section 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 a proportion of 1 1 619 Pointillism figure 29 39 Seurat preferred the term Divisionism or Neo Impressionism 29 57 tallest building in the world until the Chrysler Building in NYC 41 years later very criticized because it was ugly and against conventional buildings MODERN ARCHITECTURE A 1871 1914 Alexander Gustave Eiffel POST IMPRESSIONISM A 1871 1914 continued Paul Cezanne exhibited with the Impressionist in the 1870s retreated to Southern France for most of the rest of his life Cezanne is the father of us all attributed at times to Picasso and Matisse 29 40 paintings of Mont Sainte Victoire a mountain in SW France Vincent Van Gogh unknown in his lifetime beyond a small circle of avant grade artists and dealers until a retrospective show in Paris in 1901 only sold one painting before his suicide in 1890 at the age of 37 I paint as a means to make life bearable hundreds of letters to his brother Theo about 900 canvases and 1100 drawings from hagiography literally writing about Saints in art history writing about artists that is never critical bad gossip Holland and Belgium 1880 1886 failed at being at art dealer in London and Paris when he was about 21 following Theo s advice Vincent takes up art in 1880 at the age of 26 brief period of training at the Royal Academy in Brussels Belgium also failed at age 25 at being a lay minister to the poor in Belgium completed his studies in painting and drawing at the Academy in Antwerp Paris 1886 1888 stays with his brother Theo in Montmartre Paris meets Toulouse Lautrec Monet Renoir Degas Ganguin and Seurat Arles 1888 1889 Vincent s desire to start an artists colony in Japan had to be scaled down So he went to southern France by himself instead 29 34 The Night Caf St Remy 1889 1890 Vincent checks himself into an asylum near Arles claiming to have an aversion to life 29 35 Starry Night Auvers May to July 1890 Vincent lives on his own on this small town north of Paris Expressionism art that is a result of the artist s unique inner or personal vision and that often has an emotional dimension van Goghs Potatoe Eaters Paul Gaunguin another excellent example of an artiste maudit depression at least one suicide attempt a successful stockbroker and Sunday Painter through his 30 s paints for fun left his wife and children behind in Denmark to fend for himself in painting Great interest in non Western cultures he had spent time with relatives in Peru Civilization is what makes you sick I wanted to establish the right to dare everything art is either plagiarism or revolution The Brenton an ancient Celtic ethnic group in Brittany France kinda like Amish country devout Catholicism and unique language Gaunguin was attracted to their primitive nature and lived among them ca 1886 1889 Figure 29 39 Non local color not optically correct color e g not what a color photograph would likely record figure 29 36 Gauguin in Tahiti an earnest attempt to escape the Western world but French influence in this colony was already pervasive figure 29 37 Edvard Munch Norwegian based with several lengthy trips to Paris for further inspiration Brutally honest expressionism all of his anxieties are laid bare sickness insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life without anxiety and illness I should have been a like a ship without a rudder agoraphobia fear of crowds and confined spaces that results in panic attacks Figure 29 46 femme fatale literally deadly woman Edvard Munch s Madonna a late 19th century stereotype of a woman who destroys men s lives e g seduction ruined marriages venereal diseases MODERN A 1870 1914 SCULPTURE Auguste Rodin essentially the only modernist sculptor of merit in his time similar concerns as the expressionist painters ART NOUVEAU A 1871 1914 Art Nouveau ends abruptly because of the war starting in 1914 Art Nouveau literally New Art the great style of the Belle Epoque throughout Europe and in the US curving whiplash lines organic forms an anti machine aesthetic in design although glass and iron were important wrought iron ogten made to look like plants with a green patina flatness and sinuous curves of Japanese woodcuts were an influence found in posters jewelry lamps furniture architecture Paris Metro entrances everywhere the center of the avant garde in Spain a k a The Paris of the South an independent and free spirited city to this day Barcelona Spain Antonio Gaudi technically an Art Nouveau architect but in reality a typically free spirited Barcelona genius figure 29 55 www gaudiclub com slides mentioned in class Chapter 29 Post impressionism 32 39 41 34 35 39 37 grande machine 46 Modern Architecture 57 Modern Sculpture 49 50 Art Nouveau 53 55 62 CHAPTER 33 The Development of FAUVISM A 1871 1914 The Fauves Henri Matisse Andre Derain figure 33 3 Pablo Picasso CUBISM A 1871 1914 Gertrude Stein figure 33 8 literally the Wild Beasts non local color but otherwise peaceful and innocuous subject matter We must see all life as if we were children Henri Matisse figure 33 1 Anything that is not essential in a painting is detrimental to it Figure 33 2 1881 1973 schooled in Madrid and Barcelona first arrived in Paris in 1900 at age 19 first painting to sell for more than a million dollars 104 mill Boy with a Pipe Les Demoiselles d Avignon the Ladies of Avignon Street Barcelona Pablo Picasso sketches then discovers African art and influences his art Figure 33 9 the first cubist painting Georges Braque Houses at L Estaqu picks up the term cubism Analytical Cubism an attempt to analyze a subject from multiple viewpoints and condense those views onto a flat

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