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ART HISTORY II Albert Reischuck 2nd Semester Test 3 ROCOCO A 1715 1790 The Prix de Rome Rubenistes glossary or last section of notes a scholarship for students in painting Watteau sculpture Clodian printmaking and architecture a difficult and competitive elimination process only one winner the winner lived expense free in Rome for a year or more Francois Boucher won in 1720 at the age of 17 Madame de Pompadour 1721 1764 the most famous and influential of all of Louis XV s many mistresses was official recognized as a mistress and kept a residence at Versailles amazingly she was born a commoner from the bourgeoisie and not royalty her tastes more than Louis XV s determined the Rococo style in art and architecture in France at mid century established Francois Boucher as an important court painter Mystification glossary putto putti chubby winged infants derived from classical art and employed in religious and secular art since the Quattrocento odalisk odalique a low level servant woman in a Turkish harem Denis Diderot a philosopher and moralizing social critic of 18th century France Boucher is prostituting his own wife detested the decadence of the elite especially the art of Boucher Diderot s Encyclopedia begun in 1751 an early attempt to catalogue all of the available information on the science arts and crafts Edited by Diderot for the next 20 years in numerous volumes Initially banned by the French government for its criticisms of religion and government but illegal copies were widely available Also banned by the Catholic Church a few years later spurred by the notion of progress that humankind could better itself by questioning the status quo and looking for better alternatives in science government ethics etc characterized by a faith in empirical evidence and a distrust of superstition The Enlightenment Fragonard a brother of Boucher also won the Prix de Rome in 1758 at the age of 20 struggled for commissioners after the French Revolution in 1789 ends rather quickly for him figure 28 6 The Swing satire in art something that tries to expose foolish behavior either for mere entertainment or to provoke change or both anecdotal painting painting that requires the viewer to decode several stories or details depicted within in order to understand the artist s overall agenda William Hogarth figure 28 14 anecdotal painting takes a long time to get through his paintings NEOCLASSICISM A 1715 1790 B 1790 1830 Maybe even a lil C James Stuart Historicism Andrea Palladio Historicism an Enlightenment era interest in the exact and measurable aspects of Antiquity fig 28 29 perhaps the most influential of all Renaissance architects due to his Four Books On Architecture 1570 Thomas Jefferson referred to this as the bible of architecture Pompeii and Herculaneum modern excavations begin ca 1740 new discoveries found in the sites greatly influence new works figure 28 20 an exemplum virtutis an example of or model of virtue figure 28 20 Gonna be on Left Right comparison Poussinistes admirers and imitators of Nicolas Poussin in the 18th and 19th centuries as seen in their love of draftsmanship clear drawing stoicism stable compositions and a tendancy to depict scenes from the classical past Jacques Louis David the premier Neoclassicist painter of his time fur attempts to win the Prix de Rome before succeeding in 1774 at age 26 once he saw classical art in Rome and Pompeii he said he felt as if he had been operated on for a cataract Figure 28 21 o Commissioned by Louis XVI s government o An allegory of loyalty to the government o An allegory of loyalty to the Enlightenment i e revolution David was appointed First Painter to the Empire by Napoleon ca 1800 Fig 28 22 first time David paints something at the time it happened a grande machine a large painting that draws attention to itself due to both its size and its audacity in subject matter like the ones towards the top of the wall of the Salon 1789 The French Revolution with the execution of Louis XVI Jean Paul Marat leader of a revolutionary group oin France that began the Reign of Terror promoted the execution of many enemies suffered from an incurable skin disease that he developed by hiding from the King s troops in the sewers of killed by Charlotte Corday at her trial she said I killed one man to save 100 000 Charlotte Corday at her impromptu trial Antonio Canova figure 28 26 ROMANTICISM A 1715 1790 B 1790 1830 C 1830 1870 Romanticism a belief in completely unrestricted emotions imagination is favored over rational thought and sobriety the sublime that which is beyond human comprehension something that cannot be measured rationally Neoclassical Logical Stoic Cities as perfection nature controlled Greece and Rome Flat paint surface Romantic spiritual unrestrained emotion countryside as perfection nature uncontrolled Medieval tales impasto and all prima The Grand Tour sort of self given Prix de Rome especially for young Englishmen on the 18th century The goal was to spend at least a year in France and Italy examining ancient and Renaissance masterpieces with a tutor and a servant or two to assist Henry Fuseli incubus a male demon said to molest women in their sleep sort of a sexual vampire o sometimes used as a way to explain unwanted pregnancy blame it on the incubus figure 28 29 depicts an incubus Giovanni Battista Piranesi figure 28 38 2nd state etching SPANISH ENLIGHTENMENT B 1790 1830 Francisco Goya Goya s own Spain Goya s Illness of 1792 the first modern artist A keen awareness that the enlightened that French scholars had proposed was not realized in a still mysterious illness left Goya completely deaf at the age of 46 he starts painting random paintings insane asylum shipwreck Los Caprichos a k a The Caprices or the different foolish things that people do 80 of them his first completely independent effort reveals his hatred of superstition vanity elitism and irrationality on day to day life Goya withdrew them from sale before they were ever released Only a special letter from the king helped Goya escape the Spanish Inquisition Aquatint etching another way to make an intaglio print a powdered resin is applied to the plate acid bites the plate in the millions of space between the many grains of the resin a grainy grey area is created when the plate is inked and printed figure 28 41 fantasy deserted by reason produces impossible monsters united with it fantasy is the mother of the arts and the source of their wonders Francisco Goya later

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